I can sympathize with you, but sometimes you have to look at the bigger picture. Government can't really solve everyone's problems, but it tries to do its best to help the largest amount of people that it can benefit through law (or at least that's what their goals are). So in a case like this, yeah some people wind up getting screwed out of additional taxes for something that hardly benefits them, but it would benefit the country as a whole more so than where we are now.
On that same note, I'm not really for universal health care. The concept is great, though I feel the execution would be done poorly. It has nothing to do with being a crazy commie
or socialist, and people who make stupid *** arguments for "OMG AMERIKA IS TURNING INTO A BUNCH OF REDS" are a bunch of attention-craving idiots.
Really, it's just the fact that it's hard for the government to try to control something like this without it getting out of hand. Do we want universal health care if the doctors will be subpar to what they are now? Probably not. If it was the ideal circumstances and universal health care was done correctly, I'm sure we would all see the benefits in some way or another. Though until a foolproof idea can be presented to us I highly doubt that anything of the sort will be passing any time soon.