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ForumsDiscussion Forum → MSPaint McCain.
MSPaint McCain.
2008-11-05, 8:56 PM #1
Open up MS Paint (or equivalent), spend like 3 minutes or so and post them here. Not trying to make this political-oriented at all. Make your own for the hell of it, regardless of what party you are in.

2008-11-05, 9:39 PM #2
Hi.... I'm John McCain... but you can call me WALNUTS!!
Attachment: 20473/walnuts.jpg (52,326 bytes)
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2008-11-06, 10:49 AM #3
mccains head is shaped like a pear
Attachment: 20475/french_fries.gif (11,410 bytes)
2008-11-06, 10:55 AM #4
I'm going to go ahead and enjoy my own thread.

2008-11-06, 11:26 AM #5
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2008-11-06, 11:59 AM #6
2008-11-06, 12:30 PM #7
Attachment: 20476/mccain paint.JPG (41,484 bytes)
2008-11-06, 1:48 PM #8
Originally posted by FastGamerr:

are you obama in that pic?
2008-11-06, 3:30 PM #9
Attachment: 20479/McCain.GIF (10,305 bytes)
Naked Feet are Happy Feet

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