Man, I can't stand it any longer. The waves of concern and disappointment surging from every new post are rending my heart. I gotta set some things straight.
First of all, I thought it would be fun to act like an idiot profane troll and see how long it would take to get spotted. I'm not sure whether to be touched or embarrassed that it went so quickly. The main reason I did it, though, was I was too lazy to look up the goshdarn dot character in my name so I decided to use a friend's old unused account
Now to debunking some claims.
I find that unpredictability becomes predictable when it's exclusively unpredictable
doubtful, the recent post saying I drink horse semen is about the funniest I get
Regarding inevitable future disappointment in the comedic quality of my posts, let me emphasize I'm not Patch Adams, I'm not here out of a moral obligation to make terminal children laugh. I'm more like Gallagher, I come in when I want and smash watermelons with a mallet and use the word "assgasket." Like Gallagher, I do it out of primal rage stemming from the fact I frequently get mistaken for Yanni.
That, however, obscures the main reason I post, which is to share wisdom, spark camaraderie and fellowship, challenge the wits of friend and foe; all this is a reality in miniature, a small wan portal-light in an insurmountable wall masoned by blind hands, but the lambent source is a real thing, a thing that glows and warms the shell of mortality. I pursue joy and failure and miniature joy and failure alike, if only to know the heat the better as I blindly gestate until I crack.