List words you hate, and if you prefer, why you hate them. Then the next poster will use those words in a sentence or two for lulz, and post his own list.
I hate:
finalize (shudder)
tidy (pretentious)
inflammable (completely illogical)
different (because it's almost always redundant. 'Several different options...').
utilize (the word is USE, people!)
basically (when you begin every sentence with this word, you ruin it. Stop it).
centralized (and just what the hell is wrong with central?)
obviously (authority comes from substance—the word 'obviously' attempts to grab some authority without earning it).
data (because it's supposed to be plural but people bastardized it and say stuff like 'the data is...').
Irregardless (what on earth does it mean?
What does it do that regardless doesn't?)
Necessitate (another jargony, ugly word used by pretentious cubicle jockeys).
I hate:
finalize (shudder)
tidy (pretentious)
inflammable (completely illogical)
different (because it's almost always redundant. 'Several different options...').
utilize (the word is USE, people!)
basically (when you begin every sentence with this word, you ruin it. Stop it).
centralized (and just what the hell is wrong with central?)
obviously (authority comes from substance—the word 'obviously' attempts to grab some authority without earning it).
data (because it's supposed to be plural but people bastardized it and say stuff like 'the data is...').
Irregardless (what on earth does it mean?
Necessitate (another jargony, ugly word used by pretentious cubicle jockeys).
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009