It's now official.
Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity is now corroborated. Now, this may not be so important, but after a week of watching the history channel talk about basic physics, I think it's pretty cool. Einstein spent many, many, many hours writing, rewriting, walking, daydreaming, and writing just to get this theory right. This theory was the hot spot of his day. Astronomers went all over the world and just had the worst luck proving this for him (for physical evidence), and some even were arrested in Russia. Some lost their state-of-the-arch equipment. Everyone was excited about it.
Then he wins the Noble Prize. For his law concerning the photoelectric effect. Of course, he kept his promise and sent all his money to Mileva, who then blew it on some apartments or some ****.
Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity is now corroborated. Now, this may not be so important, but after a week of watching the history channel talk about basic physics, I think it's pretty cool. Einstein spent many, many, many hours writing, rewriting, walking, daydreaming, and writing just to get this theory right. This theory was the hot spot of his day. Astronomers went all over the world and just had the worst luck proving this for him (for physical evidence), and some even were arrested in Russia. Some lost their state-of-the-arch equipment. Everyone was excited about it.
Then he wins the Noble Prize. For his law concerning the photoelectric effect. Of course, he kept his promise and sent all his money to Mileva, who then blew it on some apartments or some ****.