Does anybody know about this mod for CnC Generals: Zero Hour? If not, head on over to to take a look. The team have asked their readership to show the mod to the Star Wars Community (as the Generals one is allegedly all but dead)... so I am!
Now I'm no way in league with these guys or anything, I'm just trying to help keep alive what looks like a cracking mod. Take a look at the trailer:
Those that do know a bit about the mod, discuss!
And for the love of God, if this has been posted before, don't yell 'old newz...'
Fire Pretty - Graz's Armoury - (That's my blog...)
The Soviet Bunker - (That's my forum...)
"Thou shalt not steal. (Because the government doesn't like competition!)"
How to keep an idiot busy: See below
How to keep an idiot busy: See above
[This message has been edited by Gee_4ce (edited August 16, 2004).]
Now I'm no way in league with these guys or anything, I'm just trying to help keep alive what looks like a cracking mod. Take a look at the trailer:
Those that do know a bit about the mod, discuss!
And for the love of God, if this has been posted before, don't yell 'old newz...'
Fire Pretty - Graz's Armoury - (That's my blog...)
The Soviet Bunker - (That's my forum...)
"Thou shalt not steal. (Because the government doesn't like competition!)"
How to keep an idiot busy: See below
How to keep an idiot busy: See above
[This message has been edited by Gee_4ce (edited August 16, 2004).]
A slightly more stripy Gee_4ce, and more than just Something British...
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Visit the home of Corporal G on the Internets