So one time in versus my team got ganged from 3 angles at once. A boomer pukes on my other 3 team mates, a tank about to spawn, a hunter jumps on a team mate, and a smoker grabs a guy. I'm the only one left in the subway train. I come out, blast the smoker, tagged the hunter, push the boomer down the escalator and shoot him, turned back around to finish off the hunter, run above the zombies on top of the train car to find the tank, he comes around the corner, I jump above him, unload shotgun shells into the back of his head, dive down turn around backing up firing, where the ammo is in front of that car, and I jump right into a witch sitting there. She turns around and massacres me as another boomer pukes on me and another guy, the tank kills the other two, and we lose. It was so amazing.
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