If you take it face value, by choosing to "remake a game" such as Half Life, you:
-definitely get publicity. To take on a classic game many people seem to have fond memories of is not only a crazy idea but a very attention grabbing one.
-acquire instant fanbase. If nostalgia is a drug, you will always have the addicts. There are many people out there who champion HL as the best game ever after all these years.
-will have people come to you. No need to advertise what your mod is about, people know what Half Life is. So you don't need to establish expectations.
Because it's an old Valve game...
-the mod people know Valve hires mod groups.
-the people at Valve will comment seeing how mod-supportive they are, especially when it comes to a huge project as this. As for Black Mesa Mod, they did already.
-there is the possibility of money involved.
So yeah. Typed too much. All in all, "remaking" may seem like a silly thought, but it's a big cow that can be milked.