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ForumsDiscussion Forum → How Dangerous Of A Driver Are You?
How Dangerous Of A Driver Are You?
2008-12-03, 11:19 AM #41
2008-12-03, 2:30 PM #42
Originally posted by Oxyonagon:
I just think the test doesn't take into account the full spectrum of events that cause bad drivers. You are instantly classed as a worse driver simply because you haven't been driving as long as someone else (who may have been driving awfully for a long time). The assumption that if you drive a lot you're a good driver is also somewhat questionable, given that you could drive badly, for a long time too.

Yeah, also the stuff about knowing how to drive other kinds of vehicles seemed kind of unfair, if I am not trying to drive those vehicles

2008-12-03, 7:09 PM #43
Originally posted by Squirrel King:
I think what killed my score was the hitting a pedestrian. ><

Moving: 20 pts
Stationary: 15 pts.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2008-12-03, 7:16 PM #44
15, but can I get +5 for a construction worker?
2008-12-03, 7:19 PM #45
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2008-12-03, 7:32 PM #46


i only got "worse" since i got ticket for 'careless driving' 4 years ago on the way home from work i pulled 'like a bat out of hell' (according to the cop) out of an intersection when the light turned green, causing my tires to squeal. i've been in 3 accidents that weren't my fault (and no bodily damage sustained on myself nor my vehicles aside from that 1 time when some idiot went around me as i was making a left hand turn) i've avoided 3 close calls since then by being observant and aggressive. if someone's going too slow, i think they're a road hazard. i drive slower than normal at night cause deer and crap run in the middle of the road and i've avoided 2 deer so far this year (one i thought for sure i was gonna hit) i try to anticipate everything that could go wrong on the road when i drive. getting into those few accidents definitely heightened my awareness of looking out for the other driver.
Peace is a lie
There is only passion
Through passion I gain strength
Through strength I gain power
Through power I gain victory
Through victory my chains are broken
The Force shall set me free
2008-12-03, 7:52 PM #47
84% (A)! Your driving level is: very safe

Typical, I only drive for like 5 - 10 minutes ever few weeks. xD
2008-12-04, 4:09 PM #48
76% (B)

I thought I would score higher.
2008-12-04, 4:45 PM #49
64%, but argue a lot of things:

Text messaging while driving. I'll shoot a text off sometimes, but it really is NOT that hard to text and not look at the phone. I can navigate the menu from a closed phone to sending a text only looking once, and then type the message, and then glance down to confirm it's correct. Two glances, that's it!

Rubber necking questions - I only do it for one reason. >.>

The "yellow light" question has already been discussed.

Adjusting the radio/cd player - again, not hard to do without looking.
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2008-12-04, 6:58 PM #50
You scored a 86% (A)! Your driving level is: very safe.
Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
2008-12-05, 12:13 AM #51

Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2008-12-05, 12:16 AM #52
Originally posted by happydud:
64%, but argue a lot of things:

Text messaging while driving. I'll shoot a text off sometimes, but it really is NOT that hard to text and not look at the phone. I can navigate the menu from a closed phone to sending a text only looking once, and then type the message, and then glance down to confirm it's correct. Two glances, that's it!

Adjusting the radio/cd player - again, not hard to do without looking.

It's not just about looking, it's about concentration.
You should be completely focused on what's around you. If you stop half a second slower because you were mid-text when that stupid kid came outta nowhere, it could make all the difference.

That's the theory anyway.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2008-12-05, 12:29 AM #53

I'm actually shocked...

You scored a 80% (A)! Your driving level is: very safe

Can't really get the image to work right.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2008-12-05, 6:08 AM #54

SF's back!
2008-12-05, 7:20 AM #55
So is Joncy. Coincidence?
2008-12-05, 7:22 AM #56
2008-12-05, 7:24 AM #57
Also. How does driving more make you worse? (I took the quiz twice, changing only that answer, to check.) Wouldn't the fact that you drive more, and thus have more experience, make you a better driver?

So you're telling me that those truck drivers who drive 18 hours a day 7 days a week and haven't had an accident in a couple decades are DANGEROUS? Hell no, an experienced truck driver is your best friend on the road.

I basically drive for a living. The highest option on there was 20+, but really, It's about 8 hours a day, 6 days a week for me.
2008-12-05, 8:08 AM #58
Originally posted by JM:
Hell no, an experienced truck driver is your best friend on the road.
The more often a person performs a task the less attentive they are to it. It's a universal aspect of our psychology.
2008-12-05, 8:55 AM #59
Quite, but the more effective they are at it. You can reach a point in any task where it requires little to no conscious attention, and yet you do it perfectly.
2008-12-05, 9:07 AM #60

In Israel, land of the speeding, tailgaiting, rubbernecking, lane switching idiot drivers, I deserve at least 90% for the same answers.
Dreams of a dreamer from afar to a fardreamer.
2008-12-05, 9:42 AM #61
Originally posted by JM:
Quite, but the more effective they are at it. You can reach a point in any task where it requires little to no conscious attention, and yet you do it perfectly.

This only applies to tasks without unpredictable elements. People drive through their neighborhoods more than 520 times a year and they're much more likely to cause an accident near their point of origin than near their destination for this exact reason.

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