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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Post the last six people to visit your profile
Post the last six people to visit your profile
2008-12-16, 12:17 PM #1
1. Connection Problem
2. Emon
3. mb
4. Oxyonagon
5. Ted Sandyman
6. UltimatePotato

Also, on a related note, how can I ignore people on the forums now? Please don't tell me this feature has been removed. :/
2008-12-16, 12:24 PM #2
Since it doesn't seem to order them by last-checked, here are the last 10:

1. Aglar
2. Eddbanger
3. Ford+
4. jesustoenail+
5. JM+
6. mb
7. Phantom-Seraph
8. Ted Sandyman
9. Temperamental
10. Zero_Raven
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-12-16, 12:26 PM #3
The last 2 visitor(s) to this page were:
mb Squirrel King
Last edited by mb; today at 10:55 AM.
2008-12-16, 12:27 PM #4
  1. Anakin9012
  2. Cool Matty
  3. Darth
  4. DSettahr
  5. gbk
  6. Gebohq
  8. JM
  9. Ted Sandyman
  10. Zell
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-12-16, 12:28 PM #5
The last 7 visitor(s) to this page were:

1. alpha1
2. fishstickz
3. GeneralRamos
4. Jep
5. mb+
6. sum1givusaname
7. Vegiemaster+
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2008-12-16, 12:34 PM #6
  1. Alco
  2. Dj Yoshi
  4. Ford
  6. Jep
  7. mb
  8. Romjae
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2008-12-16, 12:38 PM #7
BombayZeus Darth genk money•bie* Roach* Vin Xzero
2008-12-16, 12:38 PM #8
Anakin9012, fishstickz, SiliconC, Ted Sandyman
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2008-12-16, 12:39 PM #9
1. Baconfish*
2. Dash_rendar
3. FastGamerr*+
4. Guess
5. Guess2
6. Krokodile*
7. money•bie*
8. Ted Sandyman
9. Vin
10. Z@NARD
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2008-12-16, 12:46 PM #10
mb and someone else.

I'm deeply unpopular. :(
2008-12-16, 12:54 PM #11
dont worry martyn i thought the feature was broken because i didnt see anyone's name
2008-12-16, 12:59 PM #12
  1. Dash_rendar
  2. Katabatic
  3. MrRavenX
  4. Ted Sandyman
2008-12-16, 1:02 PM #13
Anakin9012 Cool Matty mb Zell ZeqMacaw

2008-12-16, 1:03 PM #14
  1. Darth
  2. Eddbanger
  3. happydud
  4. llibja
  5. NoESC
  6. Nubs
2008-12-16, 1:10 PM #15
How do you find out the actual people that visited? my page just says the number of visits, not who it is.
"You were probably a result of sabotage."
2008-12-16, 1:15 PM #16
  1. Anakin9012
  2. Darth
  3. Gebohq
  4. Krokodile*
  5. mb
  6. money•bie*
  7. ORJ_JoS
  8. Oxyonagon
  9. Steven
  10. Wookie06
2008-12-16, 1:31 PM #17
Originally posted by Romjae:
How do you find out the actual people that visited? my page just says the number of visits, not who it is.

No one has visited your profile except for me, to check on who has visited your profile. :eng101:
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2008-12-16, 1:38 PM #18
1. Freelancer
2. Ted Sandyman
3. The Jackal
twitter | flickr | | facebook |
2008-12-16, 1:40 PM #19
1. Anakin9012
2. Emon
3. Ford
4. Latis
5. petmc20
6. Spork
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2008-12-16, 2:02 PM #20
1. Admiral Zarn
2. Aglar
3. JM+
4. Michael MacFarlane
5. SG-fan
6. Vegiemaster
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2008-12-16, 2:05 PM #21
On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."
2008-12-16, 2:11 PM #22
I'm stalking you all... :ninja:
2008-12-16, 2:12 PM #23
1. BombayZeus
2. Eddbanger
3. Michael MacFarlane
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2008-12-16, 2:31 PM #24
2008-12-16, 2:32 PM #25
Outlaw Torn
Ransom and Jeff
Squirrel King
Ted Sandyman
2008-12-16, 2:34 PM #26
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

2008-12-16, 2:37 PM #27
Damn it, you admins blew my cover. :(
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2008-12-16, 3:02 PM #28
ragna and wookie06

that is all.

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2008-12-16, 3:16 PM #29
Recent Visitors
The last 1 visitor(s) to this page were:

I did not know that this feature existed until now.
2008-12-16, 3:17 PM #30
Ted Sandyman
2008-12-16, 3:38 PM #31
1. MFalse
2. Squirrel King
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2008-12-16, 3:56 PM #32
Recent Visitors
This page has had 30 visits

I am not loved :(
A computer's worst nightmare:

HazTeam Website-=HT=
2008-12-16, 3:58 PM #33
The last 2 visitor(s) to this page were:

1. Darth_Alran
2. Xzero

This page has had 97 visits.
"Honey, you got real ugly."
2008-12-16, 4:06 PM #34
1. - Tony -
2. Darth
4. llibja
5. MysteriousSith
6. NoESC
7. sum1givusaname
8. Ted Sandyman
9. Vin
10. Zell
2008-12-16, 4:10 PM #35
my @visitors;

And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2008-12-16, 4:38 PM #36
i visited u baby :)
2008-12-16, 4:51 PM #37
Eddbanger, strangely.
2008-12-16, 4:52 PM #38
I usually click peoples profile when I can't remember what they were renamed from. It usually doesn't help.
2008-12-16, 4:55 PM #39
1. Emon
2. petmc20
3. Ransom and Jeff
2008-12-16, 4:56 PM #40
  1. Emon
  2. JLee
  3. NoESC
  4. Vornskr

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