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ForumsDiscussion Forum → so uhh... married.
so uhh... married.
2008-12-23, 4:22 PM #41
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
Oh of course you do. I think most people here know the story. :)

I'm intrigued
2008-12-23, 5:36 PM #42
Did you guys meet through an online dating service?

2008-12-24, 8:25 AM #43
Haha no. But close. Actually we met through One night I was live on stickam and hanging out with several people, including JediKirby. Meanwhile, he was talking to Andrea who was in his room. He decided he had too many windows open and invited her into my room and closed his down. She came in, and I was immediately drawn to her amazing smile. So I naturally did what any internet junkie does when they encounter a girl on the internet... I flirted shamelessly. She thought I was funny. We also shared very similar music tastes, and were broadcasting music for each other over stickam... anyway, to my incredible surprise and delight, she returned the following evening... and just about every evening after that. After a few weeks, while I was a little bit drunk one night, I started telling her that I really liked her, but that I felt weird about it since we only knew each other from the internet. She expressed similar feelings. We continued hanging out basically every night (and by this point talking on the phone each night and throughout the day, and after a few more weeks we decided to throw caution to the wind and become officially an item, even though we'd still never met in person. For the next couple months we were planning on flying her out to visit and were working on saving up some money. I had a couple hundred dollars saved up, when I was struck with a series of unfortunate events which caused me to fork out a lot of money... Like literally about $1500, which I didn't have. The next month was spent by me basically not eating because I couldn't afford groceries. I managed to stay afloat by borrowing some money from my sister, selling my PS2 along with all games, 4 controllers and multi-tap adapter, and, as mentioned above, not eating or going out or anything. One afternoon, on my way home from work, I was talking to my younger sister (not the one who loaned me money) on the phone. I told her how I was frustrated with being hungry and not being able to live comfortably, and most of all not being able to afford to fly Andrea out because I sure as hell wasn't saving any money anymore, and had spent what I'd already saved up. She suggested I look into joining the Navy. Not only would I make a pretty decent monthly pay (after factoring in my housing allowance, and other various allowances, I'll be making about $4000 a month starting next month), but I would get a signing bonus, and the "a" school was in Great Lakes, I'LL, a mere 45 minute drive from Andrea. So I joined up, and went to boot camp. In order to join, I had to pay off a bunch of other stuff (fines owed to the county, mostly), but now that I had a goal to work for, I buckled down. Andrea was there for me this entire time, consoling and encouraging me, even though she was less than happy about me joining the Navy, and without her support I don't know if I could have done it. Anyway, finally one day about 12 days from my next paycheck with literally $9 in my bank account, and no food in the house, I was picked up by my recruiter and taken to a hotel. The next day I was processed into the navy and put on a plane for boot camp. I was hoping to meet andrea at the O'Hare airport, but unfortunately, it didn't work out, and I went into Boot Camp, still having never seen her face. During boot camp, we wrote back and forth a lot. It was a very difficult time for her especially, as we'd grown accoustomed to talking on the phone multiple times every day, and that was no longer an option. I don't think it was as difficult for me, because I was kept really busy.

Anyway, as boot camp was nearing its end, andrea made arrangements with my parents to come to my graduation with them. On the morning of my graduation, Andrea and a close friend of hers met my parents at their hotel and drove to the base. So ironically, my parents met her in person before I did. So we hung out for the weekend, and things went well. My parents left after the weekend and I went on to "a" school. I knew I'd only have about 5 or 6 months in "a" school before I was shipped off somewhere, and andrea and I would be back to a long distance relationship. I also knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. So after about a month or maybe two into "a" school, I asked her to marry me. She agreed, and we've spent the last few months preparing for the wedding, and in a few weeks wioll be moving to my permanent duty station in san diego, together.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2008-12-24, 7:59 PM #44
2008-12-25, 2:35 AM #45
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
Background story

How did you phrase the story initially to your relatives and friends? Because "I'm moving away from home and joining the navy to meet a girl I met through the internet" sounds like it would get at least a raised eyebrow from someone.

You've made a great deal of sacrifices for that person. Hopefully when you are old and gray you'll still think it was worth it.
2008-12-25, 6:07 AM #46
Haha, well surprisingly, my family was all very supportive. But also, keep in mind, I wasn't joining the Navy just for her. I joined to get my life in order cause I was sick of "barely getting by."

Joining the Navy was a means of jump starting my life, and it has done so.

That said, she is, in my opinion, making more sacrifices than I am. Being a military wife is very difficult, and I'm already about to drag her away from her immediate and extended family, who she's very close to.

I feel like the luckiest man alive that she's been willing to give up so much to go along with my crazy scheme.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2008-12-25, 11:09 AM #47
You should become a SEAL.


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