Time to post some New Years resolutions that you will promise to uphold (but probably won't.) So get off your lazy rears, think about what are some issues and goals in your life, envision yourself completing those tasks, and go back to bed. 
For me:
-Stop thinking that one minute of working on a computer warrants 5 minutes of doing something pointless (under the pretense that I'm thinking up new ideas for the next step.)
-Stop staring at my drafting table thinking I'm "seeing" what I will produce. It never works.
-Find out why I'm tired when I need to be alert and active and why I'm alert and active when I'm suppose to be going to sleep.
-Stop picking up my Jack Russel Terrier, blow into it's belly to make a wet fart sound and watch it frantically run around as a result. This is not right.
-Work faster.
-Be more willing to be resourceful. After one solution for a certain problem doesn't work, don't say "f**k it" and wait for the same solution to work.
-Stop being purposely "creative" to solve certain problems. Sometimes it works because it works.
-Stop believing, because its midnight, that it's "genius time!" and is the high point of critical thinking. Any hour of the day works fine too.
-Stop believing that because I stayed up all night to do something, I produced something good. More pain and alcohol doesn't mean I'm Hunter Thompson.
-Realize playing video games is not a substitute to sitting down and thinking things through.
-Stop being paranoid thinking that peers are doing things better than me. Because they usually just are.
-Eat less Good n' Plenty's. Because they are overwhelming mild candies, it won't be any less than a distraction when working.

For me:
-Stop thinking that one minute of working on a computer warrants 5 minutes of doing something pointless (under the pretense that I'm thinking up new ideas for the next step.)
-Stop staring at my drafting table thinking I'm "seeing" what I will produce. It never works.
-Find out why I'm tired when I need to be alert and active and why I'm alert and active when I'm suppose to be going to sleep.
-Stop picking up my Jack Russel Terrier, blow into it's belly to make a wet fart sound and watch it frantically run around as a result. This is not right.
-Work faster.
-Be more willing to be resourceful. After one solution for a certain problem doesn't work, don't say "f**k it" and wait for the same solution to work.
-Stop being purposely "creative" to solve certain problems. Sometimes it works because it works.
-Stop believing, because its midnight, that it's "genius time!" and is the high point of critical thinking. Any hour of the day works fine too.
-Stop believing that because I stayed up all night to do something, I produced something good. More pain and alcohol doesn't mean I'm Hunter Thompson.
-Realize playing video games is not a substitute to sitting down and thinking things through.
-Stop being paranoid thinking that peers are doing things better than me. Because they usually just are.
-Eat less Good n' Plenty's. Because they are overwhelming mild candies, it won't be any less than a distraction when working.