Well, the laptop is pretty much my social computer, and what I use as bridge from transfering files from unformatted computers to formatted computers.
I probably should rephrase, I didn't format my laptop, I used its own Auto Recovery, it came with EISA Utilities.
All I had to do was run that, and it reinstalled windows, with another 90 days of norton.
Let me list ALL of the problems.
I was unable to enter Safe Mode, it kept telling crashing when it was trying to load SPTD.sys (I think this is the driver for the cd control?). So I tried fixing that to no avail.
You cannot open any device management utilities, or regedit, or msconfig. They close themself as soon as they are opened.
Spybot, AVG don't run, they close themselves as soon they open.
If you uninstall AVG and try to reinstall it again, when you are reinstalling it, it gives you an error, something about rollback and another thing about administrative privledges. Seeing as my account is administrator, this shouldn't be a problem.
Randomly named exes crashing.... 70.exe, 45.exe (I remember these from the top of my head, kept crashing every time)
I was unable to run firefox, unless I opened I.E. and navigated to a couple pages first. (I doubt this is related)
You cannot open any of your network places because it says something about administrative privledges.
Now, I was reading about some of the fixes for some of these problems, only problem is, they required me to do something with regedit, or install a utility, which, conveniently, closed as soon as I tried to install or gave me an error. Or wanted me to go into safe mode...
So, you tell me, what exactly should I have done in this case?
Nothing to see here, move along.