Alright, so my dad, bro and I have decided to have ourselves little video game weekend, while the ladies are out. We'll be using my father's ps3 and I dont know much about their games.
We're looking for a fun game to play in coop. It can be 2 or 3 players.
Its been recommended to either get Resistance 2 or Little Big Planet. Are there any suggestions on confirmations would would make up a few fun ours of gaming for 2-3 players? It can be just 2 players and we'll pass the controller around too.
I'd welcome swift suggestions as I have to decide what game in the next few hours.
We're looking for a fun game to play in coop. It can be 2 or 3 players.
Its been recommended to either get Resistance 2 or Little Big Planet. Are there any suggestions on confirmations would would make up a few fun ours of gaming for 2-3 players? It can be just 2 players and we'll pass the controller around too.
I'd welcome swift suggestions as I have to decide what game in the next few hours.
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