From where you're from, what is the norm/common mentality towards merchants and consumer rights?
I'm just curious because my experience has been that both the merchants and consumers are at understanding that each will act for their own self-interests and are 'equals' -- that is, like two mature, adult individuals, neither has authority or responsibilities towards the other beyond what's socially reasonable and accepted and both will act both rationally and civilly (obviously this doesn't always happen, but it's what's *expected*).
More and more, however, I've noticed on THE INTERNETS that there is this "The consumer is king" mentality (often coupled with an anti-corporate / anti-conglomerate / anti-"money" attitude) where consumers are convinced they are the most important thing in the universe to the merchants they buy from because they "are the customer" and yell, demand, and generally throw a tantrum when something doesn't go their way
This has never been "normal" in the places I've been and amongst the people I interact with. Is it commonly accepted where you're from? Or is this just another example of the internet making otherwise respectably-acting and mature people into complete asses and babies?
(If you're curious, what spawned this queston was a post on Woot!, which recently changed its layout to something more modern/"corporate". I actually like it, but I can understand why it'd be frustrating, since it's fixed-with and causes horizontal scroll on non-widescreen resolutions and has ads everywhere [which I've adblocked <_<]. It seems like it's caused (to me, at least) an uproar of whining and the aforementioned 'HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO US YOU USED TO BE COOL NOW YOURE JUST A CORPORATION WHO WANTS MONEY" *****ing.)
I'm just curious because my experience has been that both the merchants and consumers are at understanding that each will act for their own self-interests and are 'equals' -- that is, like two mature, adult individuals, neither has authority or responsibilities towards the other beyond what's socially reasonable and accepted and both will act both rationally and civilly (obviously this doesn't always happen, but it's what's *expected*).
More and more, however, I've noticed on THE INTERNETS that there is this "The consumer is king" mentality (often coupled with an anti-corporate / anti-conglomerate / anti-"money" attitude) where consumers are convinced they are the most important thing in the universe to the merchants they buy from because they "are the customer" and yell, demand, and generally throw a tantrum when something doesn't go their way

(If you're curious, what spawned this queston was a post on Woot!, which recently changed its layout to something more modern/"corporate". I actually like it, but I can understand why it'd be frustrating, since it's fixed-with and causes horizontal scroll on non-widescreen resolutions and has ads everywhere [which I've adblocked <_<]. It seems like it's caused (to me, at least) an uproar of whining and the aforementioned 'HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO US YOU USED TO BE COOL NOW YOURE JUST A CORPORATION WHO WANTS MONEY" *****ing.)