There are major doom 3 spoilers ahead. Be warned.
So I just got out of hell. And that's what we've been hearing all about for so long?
"OMG I can't wait to see hell! It's gonna b soooo uber coolerzzz!!!!1"
It's a red volcanic dungeon. I was almost afraid to hit that damned teleporter button because I didn't know what to expect. That has been the LEAST scary part of this game so far! And I fight about 30 monsters, and it throws me back out of hell. Not to mention the cherry on top is some crappy puzzle boss. Boy that's a tough one too. He spawns drones. Let me think... Shoot the drones? And if you're not quite smart enough for that, the soul cube will TELL you to shoot the drones. Then, and this is the best part, when you shoot all of the drones a big *** glowing circle appears above him. I wonder what I do next???? Oh yeah. Shoot the sh*t out of that circle!!! Hooray. I killed a big monster. And please. Please tell me that isn't what you call a "Cyber demon." If they pawn that thing off as a cyber demon I think I'm going to vomit. For being one of the most hyped aspects of this game, hell has been the biggest letdown so far. The rest of the game is stellar up to this point, but when I got back to mars I just saved my game and turned it off. Disappointed that hell in all of its fury didn't do much for me. Not to mention the fact that the hellknights are pretty much big imps and nothing more. Only slower and a larger target. Oh wow. I'll run up to it with my shotgun, shoot it. Back away. It swings at me. Run up. Shoot it. Back away bla bla bla. So how much of this game is left? And does it get better?
Change is never a choice. You change, and you are who you have become. And there's not a damned thing you can do about it.
So I just got out of hell. And that's what we've been hearing all about for so long?
"OMG I can't wait to see hell! It's gonna b soooo uber coolerzzz!!!!1"
It's a red volcanic dungeon. I was almost afraid to hit that damned teleporter button because I didn't know what to expect. That has been the LEAST scary part of this game so far! And I fight about 30 monsters, and it throws me back out of hell. Not to mention the cherry on top is some crappy puzzle boss. Boy that's a tough one too. He spawns drones. Let me think... Shoot the drones? And if you're not quite smart enough for that, the soul cube will TELL you to shoot the drones. Then, and this is the best part, when you shoot all of the drones a big *** glowing circle appears above him. I wonder what I do next???? Oh yeah. Shoot the sh*t out of that circle!!! Hooray. I killed a big monster. And please. Please tell me that isn't what you call a "Cyber demon." If they pawn that thing off as a cyber demon I think I'm going to vomit. For being one of the most hyped aspects of this game, hell has been the biggest letdown so far. The rest of the game is stellar up to this point, but when I got back to mars I just saved my game and turned it off. Disappointed that hell in all of its fury didn't do much for me. Not to mention the fact that the hellknights are pretty much big imps and nothing more. Only slower and a larger target. Oh wow. I'll run up to it with my shotgun, shoot it. Back away. It swings at me. Run up. Shoot it. Back away bla bla bla. So how much of this game is left? And does it get better?
Change is never a choice. You change, and you are who you have become. And there's not a damned thing you can do about it.
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