Oh I can read just fine. If I was to join in on your pathetic little game of extremes here using the mentality laid out by your last post, then I could accurately say your "racist" against handicapped people, because you throw around terms like retarded and waterhead, which are clearly derived from mental and physical health conditions.
As a matter of fact, I guess we should use words like "picnic" and phrases like "a spade is a spade", in order to follow robs dystopian laws more closely concerning "racist roots".
Get off your high horse for once in your life. Your little games go both ways and get nowhere. You expect people to walk on eggshells and have no opinion on anything unless its "rob approved" or sanctioned by the "correct police". Your seriously *****ing over a loosely used term that is derived but nowhere near the original ACTUAL racist term. Your knitpicking over this? Seriously? Like you *****ing about it on massassi is going to get the whole world to stop using it because your the only one extremist enough to associate it to the n word and automaticially assume its user is a flaming racist. Please do me, yourself, and the rest of the world a favor and get a life.
Honestly I don't even know where you get merit to think your gods gift to the internet community when all your capable of is cynical *****ing like an ex girlfriend on the rag. Go change your tampon now.