So I forgot to pay my cable bill for 2 months. I thought I had re-occurring online payments but it turns out I didn't. So I get an email asking for payment the other day. So I pay it. I try to watch TV just now and they turned my cable off...not after nonpayment..but AFTER PAYMENT ><.
I'm baffled. Guess I'll have to go crash a party then.
This super bowl is going to suck anyways, no patriots.
I'm thinking I'll show up on the doorstep of a friend I haven't seen in a couple months with some beer and see if he'll let me in.
I'm baffled. Guess I'll have to go crash a party then.
This super bowl is going to suck anyways, no patriots.
I'm thinking I'll show up on the doorstep of a friend I haven't seen in a couple months with some beer and see if he'll let me in.