This is a non-profit project to help to draw support to the local music scene here as well as the venues, the bands, the fans, the local radio stations, etc. -
We live in a day in age that technology is amazing. What you can do with technology is endless....... literally. This is a project I have envisioned literally over the past 5 years. Although the actual form and shape of this took form in just the past 6 hours. Here is the layout of what this project is going to do and how........ -
Most of us have at least seen pictures or videos or actually played some of the games I am about to mention. 3 of them will be used to promote intensely and be the general basis to create this rather massive project. With alot of time, hard work, and energy. And a small amount of money per month out of my pocket to keep the website active for this project. It will see the light of day....... and very soon. -
Counter Strike -
Rainbox Six 3: Raven Shield -
Soldier of Fortune 2 -
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 (this one doesnt have as many people online but with some luck we can start to draw attention to this game alot more. It's cheap and easy to find. Very easy to play and very kickass. $10 bucks will get u the full version. It's 7 years old and low end computers run it at high framerates and detail.) -
3 of the most hottest and popular first person shooters on the PC Gaming Market and Massive Online Multiplayer Status. Literally has thousands of players around the WORLD. Just waiting for a knock on their door from the local music scene here. The project will work like this........ -
We will develop 4 levels for these games. 1 for each game. I personally have the contacts and know how with these games to accomplish this project with surprising quality. -
We will design the levels as follows....... -
Juanita's on 13th and Main Street - Will become a level for Counter Strike -
Downtown Music & Records on Capitol Street - Will become a level for Raven Shield -
Vino's on 7th and Chester- Will become a level for Soldier of Fortune 2 -
Blank Generation on Main and 6th Street - Will become a level for Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 -
Each of these facilities will include a upper and lower level (lower level being the venue's main area's)
The upper levels will have 8 rooms per game level. In each game level we will feature 1 local band per room. So in hence 8 bands featured per level. Each room will consist of the band's logo. Website information {if the band doesn't have a website we will host a simple Site for the band with their information and 1 mp3 file for free) and a 30-45 second long streaming mp3 of a song of their choice. Edited to loop to where it plays out as if it was never edited to loop. While all this is going down in the game level. You are going to be shot at and harrased by the menacing AI holding hostages that u must rescue. Or you can just play regular deathmatch vs other players. And everyone can then have time to check out the level in detail and each band accordingly. As well as experience the atmosphere of 4 of the premier places to play in Downtown Little Rock. -
There you have it....... -
This project will take some time to get completed. But once done and as each level is completed and distribution of each level begins. May the Local music scene get nationwide and eventually worldwide attention through these games and the custom levels made for the local scene here. -
May the Firefights from the safety of your own home commence......... -
Thank you for your time and attention to this very important project to the local scene. -
A very interesting twist will happen when we go to choose which bands will be included in this......(our band CoR3 is NOT included by default) fair is fair. Stay tuned for more details..... -
The general theme for each venue's level is as follows..... -
Downtown Music - 8 Metal Band’s -
Vino's - 8 Rock Band’s -
Juanita's - Mix of 8 Band's -
Blank Generation - 8 Punk Band's – – Coming Soon - Band I Play Drum's In
Sincerly - NaiLz
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CoR3 Main Website
[This message has been edited by Sine Nomen (edited August 19, 2004).]