Air Buccaneers is an old mod for UT2004 that died a year or so ago, but I recently re-discovered it and was just having a blast in instant action mode. I recommend some of us get together and have an online match, maybe breathe some life into this mod. It's seriously the mod with the most promise (as a concept) that I've ever seen for UT2004, and it's a real shame it was so under appreciated. So, if you have UT2004, go download this mod (the downloads still work) and come join! PM me if you want in, and ill see what I can do server-wise. Keep in mind, I have terrible, terrible DSL where I live so if you want the game to be any fun at all someone else might have to host. But first, I just want to see if people want to play at all!
[EDIT: added pictar]
[EDIT: added pictar]