So to preface this, I know very little about RAID. I was installing a new hard drive tonight, and for whatever reason, I unplugged my existing hard drive. I plugged them both back in, but instead of plugging them into the SATA slots on the motherboard, I plugged them into the RAID slots. Then when I tried to start the computer, it couldn't find the drives in the BIOS. I recognized my mistake and opened the case, and plugged the drives into the SATA 1 and SATA 2 slots on the motherboard. However, I still cannot boot my computer. It doesn't recognize the original drive as a boot device (its set right in the BIOS, I already checked that.) I'm downloading PuppyLinux now to boot from that and see if I still have files. In the mean time, any suggestions? Did I break my data?
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.