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ForumsDiscussion Forum → What's the worst computer experience you've ever had?
What's the worst computer experience you've ever had?
2009-03-21, 10:03 AM #41
Did anyone else have a AOL disk stealing fetish?
Whenever I saw the free discs in stores I always took as many I could carry.

And then would find creative ways to destroy/dispose/distribute them.
I sent a lot to that website that was collecting them. They were trying to get a million. I don't know if they ever did.
2009-03-21, 11:34 AM #42
Decided to build a new desktop recently. I'd had to replace the PSU 4 times already, since they arrive DOA. Apparently I'm not the only one having this problem, either. And their customer service is slow... each time, I have to wait 2-3 hours to get an answer.

****ing BFGtech. :suicide:
I can't wait for the day schools get the money they need, and the military has to hold bake sales to afford bombs.
2009-03-21, 11:54 AM #43
There was the computer crisis of March-June 2003 when I reinstalled Windows and stuff just about every other day because of faulty RAM (that and I installed Windows ME quite a few times during the crisis... smart!). And even though I didn't lose a large amount of major files I did lose my extremely advanced Chrono Trigger savegame and I havent touched the whole game ever since... even though I probably would have played it through several times in these past 6 years. Hum.

Even though those 3 months were incredibly annoying, I guess the entire Windows 98 SE that had come with the computer was buggy to begin with since it tended to freeze the whole system at random intervals, only revealing itself by somewhat distorting the upper right corner with some odd colours. And even then it didn't completely freeze since if I had mIRC active at the moment I was able to write stuff like "LOL COMPUTER FROZE" and they got through.

And yet it makes me feel kinda old and nostalgic (wtf) that all these problems occured in the early 2000s since I always got some sick pleasure over fixing those problems. I guess OS's and computers have got better after all.

Oh the limes
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2009-03-21, 12:00 PM #44
Originally posted by Squirrel King:
Did anyone else have a AOL disk stealing fetish?

You realise what the word means, right?

2009-03-21, 12:24 PM #45
Being forced to use Windows on my work laptop.
[This message has been edited. Deal with it.]
2009-03-21, 12:39 PM #46
Originally posted by Baconfish:
You realise what the word means, right?


so what if I was turned on by stealing the cds
2009-03-21, 12:41 PM #47
I guess; I get turned on by something more unusual than that.

2009-03-21, 1:55 PM #48
again, more than i ever needed to know about baconfish.
I'm proud of my life and the things that I have done, proud of myself and the loner I've become.
2009-03-21, 2:13 PM #49
I bet its Clogs...
2009-03-21, 2:44 PM #50
I just found this here:

[quote=Computer Stupidities]
I work at the help desk of a university.

  • Student: "Um, yes, I'm using Powerpoint to prepare some slides for class tomorrow, and I wanted to know if there is a way to copy and paste a background from slide to slide."
  • Me: "Yes. In order to change the background image to a color or picture, all you need to do is right-click, select Background, and then select a color, image, or background effect to use. It'll let you select if you want the background to fill this slide or multiple ones as well."
  • Student: (dead silence) "That's too many clicks. I don't have time to click six times to get a background. All I want to do is copy and paste."
  • Me: "Unfortunately, Powerpoint doesn't do it that way, sir."
  • Student: "Yeah, well, I want to copy and paste, so it should. Could I fill a slide with enough text to turn it black? Then I could copy and paste it instead. I only want two slides black anyway. I just don't have the time for this many clicks."
  • Me: "As far as I know you can't do that, sorry. Maybe one day Microsoft will employ that particular feature but not yet. You could always email them a formal suggestion for it, though."
  • Student: "I just might do that."[/quote]

2009-03-21, 7:09 PM #51
Originally posted by andreawesome:
again, more than i ever needed to know about baconfish.

Sorry miss +1 enchanted mace sex.
2009-03-21, 7:20 PM #52
Being addicted to the internet in the Windows 98/dialup era. God, I don't know how I did it.

There was also the time I voluntarily installed the Windows Me beta. Bad idea, suffered with that one for a long time.
2009-03-22, 4:03 AM #53
Originally posted by Jon`C:
the only part of a computer that's called the CPU is this part.

Yeah, the whole thing is called the hard drive!
Sorry for the lousy German
2009-03-22, 8:00 AM #54
There was a time when me and my friends played Diablo II hardcore. There was one computer that didn't like that game for some reason. All the hardware checked out and everything, but no matter how many times we reinstalled it, we kept getting this dreaded SPRITE error. Always in Act II it seemed. We pitied who ever got that computer.
obviously you've never been able to harness the power of cleavage...

2009-03-23, 12:38 PM #55
So if you get a virus from a porn website, is that considered an STD?

And I used to us Compuserve...which was like the ******* child of AOL...

King James the 1st- “I will not give a turd for thy preaching”

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