An interesting concept, but i'm not too taken with it. A 5.0 mpbs connection is still out of reach for most people. Another issue to consider, you have to be online to play single player games too? What happens if the servers are packed? Wouldn't this impact the performance of the game too? I'm very iffy either way and 720p is only for this generation. I imagine most games next generation will be 1080p native. Furthermore, I imagine most PC gamers are already playing a resolution higher than 720p.
An interesting concept, but i'm not too taken with it. A 5.0 mpbs connection is still out of reach for most people. Another issue to consider, you have to be online to play single player games too? What happens if the servers are packed? Wouldn't this impact the performance of the game too? I'm very iffy either way and 720p is only for this generation. I imagine most games next generation will be 1080p native. Furthermore, I imagine most PC gamers are already playing a resolution higher than 720p.