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2009-03-27, 6:26 AM #41
You're going about it bass-ackwards. Massassi was a home for mods and important modding documents, etc. that also had a forum. The files brought high traffic to the site, which led to more folks visiting the forums. Then when the games got old, the forums continued to thrive.

And learn to spell or at least learn to use a spell check. Just in the "Welcome" post on your forum, there are tons of spelling errors which pretty much translate into "I r not a profeshunal but post ur liefs wurk heer anyhoo."
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2009-03-27, 12:18 PM #42
Your sig is brilliant here.
2009-03-27, 9:55 PM #43
Originally posted by Jep:
I rarely insult people, I'm generally just clowning off. I'm pretty sure the majority of people on here have figured that out by now.

In your case, however, I just get genuinely annoyed with your constant rants about how you hate this and that, or how this and that is no good, or this person or that does not please you. You have a very negative outlook on a large variety of topics, and for some reason, it bothers me. As I clumsily made it clear in the past, I've put you on ignore, and I now read your posts only when I am interested in the conversation at hand.

If you feel offended by the post above, which was first and foremost a thoughtless joke, then I apologize. I wrote that without the intention of insulting anyone, though yes, I see how 'hateful midget' is more direct than I intended it to be.

I'm publically ignoring you publicaly and admitting to reading your posts secretly. Just thought I'd let everyone know!
2009-03-27, 11:04 PM #44
Thread needs more banning. Whom shall I ban?
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2009-03-28, 12:18 AM #45
You're the one with the banhammer, who are we to say on who it shall fall?
2009-03-28, 6:04 AM #46
Lets play Russian Roulette with a 9mm pistol and a full clip.
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2009-03-28, 3:50 PM #47
Ok, you first.
2009-03-28, 4:09 PM #48
Originally posted by Aglar:
Of all the people to single out, why pick mb? That was just totally uncalled for, he's one of the few people who cares about this place.

He dislikes fat people.
Attachment: 21606/250px-Fatguystrangler.png (72,784 bytes)
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2009-03-28, 8:55 PM #49
Originally posted by dalf:
Thread needs more banning. Whom shall I ban?

Even if you ban him I still have to deal with him at SWGBH. :(
2009-03-28, 9:19 PM #50
That site still exists?
Man, i remember decking out my SWGB with a ton of mods... 4 years ago.
2009-03-28, 9:34 PM #51
Originally posted by Wolfy:
He dislikes fat people.

Right in tne kisser
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!

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