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ForumsDiscussion Forum → what phone are you bangin
what phone are you bangin
2009-04-13, 10:55 AM #41
Originally posted by Petmc.:

bah i've got you beat

eat right, exercise, die anyway
2009-04-13, 11:16 AM #42
This is me a week ago.

2009-04-13, 11:16 AM #43
sorry guys, get more primitive than this, I dare you.
2009-04-13, 11:18 AM #44
2009-04-13, 11:29 AM #45
2009-04-13, 11:31 AM #46
2009-04-13, 1:25 PM #47
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2009-04-13, 1:53 PM #48
2009-04-13, 2:05 PM #49
Pretty sure those are all more advanced that yelling.
2009-04-13, 3:21 PM #50
Originally posted by Squirrel King:
Water proof. Chuck against solid brick wall proof. Dirt proof.


mine is red though, so it's more awesome.

Oh hey my brother has that phone, and he has managed to break two or three of them -_- he's extremely rough on his phone...

As of me, I have a blackberry Bold, it rocks.
Echoman: If I can create energy from stupidity, the world's power supply will never end...
2009-04-13, 3:57 PM #51
Hey Thrawn, are you able to get a text only plan or do you still have to pay for voice?
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2009-04-13, 3:58 PM #52
I was wondering that too.
2009-04-15, 1:46 AM #53
Originally posted by Aglar:
Nokia N95 8 GB. It's a brick, but a great phone and pretty decent 5 MP camera. Just wish it had QWERTY.

Got that as well, but it crashes sometimes.
Sorry for the lousy German
2009-04-15, 2:04 AM #54
Originally posted by GrndAdmThrawn:
Oh hey my brother has that phone, and he has managed to break two or three of them -_- he's extremely rough on his phone...

As of me, I have a blackberry Bold, it rocks.

What the hell does he do?
I love to show off the phones ruggedness and regularly throw it at objects on purpose. What could he possibly be doing to them?
I used to be the constant phone breaker ... but not with this one..
2009-04-15, 6:38 AM #55
Originally posted by Emon:
Hey Thrawn, are you able to get a text only plan or do you still have to pay for voice?

Yeah I can get a text only plan, Most phone company has a plan called TAP, which is Text Access Plan, where I get full unlimited data access, and for some company I have to pay extra for Unlimited Texting. But the full unlimited data = internet/email, and that's how most of us communicate via push email. Sidekick, Blackberry, and a few other phones has push email so when we send an email it almost always appear onto their phone right away.

Originally posted by Squirrel King:
What the hell does he do?
I love to show off the phones ruggedness and regularly throw it at objects on purpose. What could he possibly be doing to them?
I used to be the constant phone breaker ... but not with this one..

Lol I know, I used to have a old 7290 and I would regularly take it out and drop it and throw it around to convince people to quit using their crumbly sidekicks (I hated those things, they break too easily) but I can't do that any more with my Bold :(

But anyway about my brother, I honestly have no idea how he does it but I do know he's a rock climber, goes out camping lots, and is planning on being a volunteer fire-fighter... and the fact that he's 6 foot 6 inch, and well let's just say he's rather buff, so I have no idea what he does with that phone but all i know is he routinely breaks it.
Echoman: If I can create energy from stupidity, the world's power supply will never end...
2009-04-15, 7:21 AM #56
Dropping it off a cliff would definitely break it.
I lost a phone to dew damage on a camping trip once too.. that sucked. I was like NOOOO. I didn't even have to do anything to break it.
2009-04-15, 7:32 AM #57
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2009-04-15, 12:18 PM #58
This one is provided by the company I work for:
This is the one I'm still using with my company:
2009-04-23, 7:15 AM #59
Bump, because as of today (and due to an unexpected windfall) I am now "bangin" a Samsung Omnia I900.
2009-04-23, 8:34 AM #60

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