blu-ray is a bag of hurt lololol
- buy new blu-ray of fun family comedy to enjoy with family
- attempt to play it in computer
- blu-ray software doesn't work
- attempt to update software using automatic update
- software patch says lolol you can't update
- attempt to use other blu-ray software, which was bundled with computer
- other software doesn't work
- attempt to update other software
- other software updates
- other software now refuses to play any blu-ray discs, including previous ones that worked
- wipe other software to try to restore to the way it was before
- software wants to update to latest version
- after updating to latest version, go back to step 10
- reinstall again
- prevent software from updating to latest version
- software now won't play regular DVDs either
- go back to software mentioned in #3
- wipe installation and re-install
- apply patch #1. Hell freezes over, the moons of seven planets align, and it works
- software says it needs patch #2 to play the blu-ray disc because it's new
- install patch #2
- software now crashes upon attempting to play any blu-ray disc
- wipe and reinstall software to try to go back to how it was
- software now can play older blu-rays but not the new bluray disc you bought
- attempt to find alternative software #3
- find alternative software, install
- alternative software crashes
- install patch for alternative software
- after installing patch, no blu-ray discs nor dvds will play in alternative software
- uninstall alternative software
- it is 24 hours later and you are exactly at the same spot you were at before except your other software now is a useless non-dvd non-bluray non-anything playing piece of ****
- torrent the blu-ray movie that you paid for and legally bought
- watch torrented movie