Yeah I'm pretty much the same way. For a while I was sleeping good, now I'm back to my "bad habits" as my parents call it.
Regardless I guess they've become sick of it. They have decided to take away my laptop (which in essence is their's) and give it to my uncle in Tampa.
I'm not sure if today or tommorrow is my last day. I was actually really pissed off when I found out. Oh well just gives me more motive to save up and go out and buy my own. That way they cant take away my comp.
Thing is I'll probably still have weird sleeping habits you know. I mean I could always read before bed but I prefer to read during the day to relax, and if I dont go out at night I like to be online. Eases the stress of whatever is going on.
Hm o well, my parents claim i'm "addicted to the computer" and that I need to get away from it and not go on. Seriously this is one of the arguments I always have with them.
Eh o well, soon no comp, and probably still weird sleeping habits, I guess that's just how my life goes...
Lets finish it then, let us be rid of it...I can't carry it for you Mr. Frodo, but I can carry you...Come on!
"Life Is What Happens While You're Busy Making Other Plans..."
"Too bad stupidity doesn't actually kill"
"No fear. No distractions. The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide."^"I say never be complete...I say let's evolve." ** Fight Club**