...About Yourself!
I ask you Massasi to post something about yourself that you're not keen on, be it physical or a personality trait.
Personally I've noticed more often lately that for some reason I tend to have a bit of a negative preconception about anyone that attended a private school. Then again almost everyone I know or have met that attended a Private School is a complete "I'm better than you" tosspot [or sometimes just a regular tosspot :P] so it may actually have a foundation of sorts.
Anyway, post anything about yourself.
I ask you Massasi to post something about yourself that you're not keen on, be it physical or a personality trait.
Personally I've noticed more often lately that for some reason I tend to have a bit of a negative preconception about anyone that attended a private school. Then again almost everyone I know or have met that attended a Private School is a complete "I'm better than you" tosspot [or sometimes just a regular tosspot :P] so it may actually have a foundation of sorts.
Anyway, post anything about yourself.