Now I have the biggest problem I've ever had in JK/MotS-editing!!! I was happily
editing my Escape from Hoth-multiplayer level, and suddenly when playing in vertex
mode, unexpected error about something happens, and Jed or something deletes the
level!!! When I am in middle of hope, and see: "THE JKL file is still here!", I open
the jkl file, but it says: "Warning: Vertex Index is out of bounds: 2", and 90%
of the sectors are gone, and all the items are in their right places.
Why that? I extracted the whole .goo-file to new folder,
opened the jk-file, and same problem! Is there any way to get all the sectors back, and fix
the level, because it was my largest and coolest level, it had many cool cogs, and now
it is gone, but is there a way to resurrect them?????? I hope even that you understand
my superbad question...
Or...should I start all again?
... Seriously, I take some questionable pride in that my first posts actually are still here because the Main Editing Forum was never pruned.
And seriously, not only did I avoid the swear filter unconsciously but MikeC didn't react to it either! Of course, maybe it would have worked if I had only retained the first 4 words (or 3 + lousy indefinite article).