From my experience, that isn't much. Only though clever "hacks" and "tricks" were people able to do things thought not possible such as the glow saber effect and muzzle flashes. However, if the engine wasn't such a hard-coded PoS, those additions could had been added in a more proper way rather than exploiting certain glitches or some crazy cogscripting.
I personally consider that a bad thing rather than a good thing about JK. It sucks that we modders had to resort to using the static.jkl and trigger messages to get new projectiles to work in all levels that don't have the projectiles in them. You are extremely limited to how you can create projectiles and other entities from the static.jkl because they are NOT synced on all computers in the game. You also can't create powerups and such using this method either. The reason I abandon the static.jkl method in FRmod Beta 9.7 because I wanted to do more advance stuff that I couldn't do with that method. In other games, you don't have to worry about this at all because they use a global object system, not this local crap like in JK. If I ever got my hands on JK's source and knew C++ to a great extent, that would be the first problem I'd like to fix first.
-- SavageX
"...and if you don't like that, then you need to be slugged in the face repeatedly, until my hands are soaked in blood. Have a nice day!"
[This message has been edited by SavageX378 (edited August 24, 2004).]
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!