Of what, we don't want to know.y
Posts: 4,243
Deadman, I clearly don't understand your point. What exactly are you arguing with the "50 years time" thing? If it supports YOUR point, it sure sounds a lot like your point is the same as mine, in which case I don't understand why you're arguing.
And don't try to pull that rape and murder thing as "proof" that there are things that are black and white in this world. It's a silly argument. What is "murder"? What is "rape"? Do you define murder as killing, or as UNJUSTIFIED killing? Is rape having sexual contact with someone who doesn't want it? What about statutory, then, a 17 year old girl has consensual sex with a 21 year old boy...under the law, that may be rape.
Yeah, your situation is so absurd that it's pretty easy (especially for me, being the subject of it) to figure out where I stand on it. But that doesn't mean it's "black and white".
And Vin, granted, I didn't mean to put words in your mouth, exactly. I'm saying yeah polygamy is a separate issue, but it's analogous and relevant to the argument I'm making, in that it falls under the same category (to me) as any other kind of personal lifestyle, including homosexuality, heterosexuality, bestiality, pedophilia or anything else, and it is ESPECIALLY analogous because unlike bestiality and pedophilia, it is very difficult to explain what is so wrong with it (without bringing in religion), just like with homosexuality.
Edit: Deadman, you're totally right. I won't try to see your viewpoint anymore, nor will I attempt to explain mine. I'll just go on letting you guys misunderstand or misinterpret my point of view, and I'll continue to misunderstand or misinterpret YOUR point of view, and no one will learn anything from each other. If I don't tell YOU what I think you mean, I'll never know if I'm correct in that interpretation or not. But please, continue to be dismissive. It's your right.