And I might get a lot of flack for suggesting this, but
calorie restriction has several benefits. More relevant is
intermittent fasting.
Calorie restriction, meaning eating a small amount or no calories, can be very healthy for you. People who practice calorie restriction have lower cholesterol, blood pressure, fasting glucose, and BMIs than the average person who doesn't. In addition, it is theorized to make you live longer and retard the effects of aging, specifically memory loss. In several studies using rats, the rats with a deduced calorie diet lived an average of 40% longer than normal rats.
Intermittent fasting means going without food randomly, whether that means not eating every other day, one day a week, or skipping a meal every now and then. An important thing to remember if you do actually take what I'm saying seriously is that
anorexia is bad. You shouldn't go without eating more than you go with eating. There are negative side effects from calorie restriction, namely that if you do it for way to long you start to starve. That being said, while fasting (however long) it is important to drink plenty of water and it's better to take vitamins if you're going at least a day.
I started fasting for religious reasons (I'm a Christian). After reading about it in Isiah and in Christ's ministry, I looked it up to see whether fasting is safe and how to do it. It is safe and healthy, as long as you don't over do it. It's good for your body, it builds willpower, and if you're trying to overcome a bad habit or somesuch using the time to meditate on what you want and why (or especially pray, if you're religious).
Edit: Apparently rats that fasted intermittently were also more resistant to gamma rays. ???
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.