That pretty much covers anybody who is anti-Microsoft anywhere. The reason you can find basically all open source applications for Windows is because it's the easiest platform to port to by whole orders of magnitude. In a lot of cases you can just compile an existing application and get it working, with a few gotchas that might require a tool from msys or cygwin. Developing for more than one Linux distribution is an exercise in futility, and maintaining that application once it's released is almost impossible without relying on the continuing support from actual (not perl, php or bash) programmers who for whatever insane reason use Linux: a group of people who are fickle, unreliable and historically much too stupid to cooperate.
I've been saying it for years. It's really nice reading posts from former Linux advocates like the lead developer of Chrome (formerly from Mozilla) talking about how god awful it is to develop any software for Linux, or Adobe representatives complaining about how much money they're wasting trying to keep Flash Player working with the literally thousands of possible sound subsystem combinations you can have in Linux.
The Open Source world is the ultimate expression of NIH syndrome. They all have an infantile attitude that things have to be done their way or they'll fork. That's why there are a hundred different distributions, a dozen different packaging systems, three different ways of driving an AGP card at kernel level, three different kernel level sound subsystems and a dozen user-land mixers, two major and utterly incompatible GUI frameworks, two major and a dozen minor window managers.
Linux fans like to call this choice. But... whose choice? If you're developing software for Linux you have to support all of this ****, so the developer sure as **** isn't getting any choice. Is it the user's choice? Is there any value at all in the user being able to choose between several conflicting subsystems that all do exactly the same job in subtly incongruous ways?
OSX is simultaneously slightly better and abysmally worse.
So... what Emon said.