Of course, you're right. OoT was better. You just had to cope with an average of 20 frames per second, clunky controls, nonexistent camera controls, dungeon puzzles that force you to complete long side quests (probably involving an FAQ if it's your first time out) -or- suffer through hours of backtracking, having to enter the game menu each of the up to 50 times per dungeon you change your boots (causing a 3 second pause unless you're playing on an N64), playing it on an N64, playing it with the N64 controller, ice block puzzles, blue fire, the stupid owl that uses double-negatives so anybody who has already played the game ends up listening to at least one of his tutorials more than once, protracted unskippable cutscenes, idiotic chasing/stealth segments that involve memorizing where polygon boundaries are, nonfunctional world design with areas crafted specifically so it's impossible to complete your objective while following the natural flow of the level (like finding the last carpenter, or the longshot), the woefully and obviously incomplete game world with gaping abscesses where content was brutally hacked out so it would fit on a regular N64 cartridge, the horse that fully collides with and is stopped by small objects and tree roots that the player character can effortlessly walk over, electrified enemies, incongruous item availability (i.e. why can't an adult use a slingshot, a boomerang or a simple stick of wood? Why can a child use a hylian shield but not the mirror shield, even though it's the same size?), flat-out retarded time-padding design decisions like making the water levels in the water temple controlled by an ocarina song instead of a switch or having to wake up a character by deliberately allowing yourself to be captured after successfully completing a portion of the game and then completing it again and then waiting for 10 minutes, the ability to walk backwards faster than the horse can run, stealth and chase sequences that - thanks to the lack of adequate camera controls - involve more rote memorization of which polygons are safe to walk on instead of completing the actual stated objective.
I mean, OoT is a great game and all, but no matter how boring Wind Waker's latter half the core game design is still hundreds of times better.