Red Faction Guerilla
What is it? Well it's a free-roaming game set on Mars, The goal is to take down the Government. It's gimmick is Geo-Mod 2, which is used to amazing effect..
Ok, So who am I?
You are Alec Mason, Generic (Although actually rather well developed) Reluctant-Hero Guy. He comes to Mars after being chased off Earth for something that's hinted at, but never fully revealed.
That's pretty neat, Who are my friends?
Your biggest ally is the Red Faction as a whole, which throughout the game grows according to your actions from a group of petty vandals to a full-fledged resistance movement. You meet a martian girl, Samanya. In the faction who is part tech expert (You get all your neat upgrades from her) part love-interest, and part Mystery background character. You also meet the RF commander and some other supporting characters.
Those guys seem pretty cool, but I suppose some guys want to kill me too.
Yes, Plenty of people want nothing more then your corpse buried under the red sands of Mars, Two factions in particular:
-The Earth Defense Force: The EDF are a mix between Goverment and Occuping force. They saved the Martian people from the brutality of Ultor in Red Faction and have since brought to Mars a breathable atmosphere and a booming mining economy. However Earths economy has collapsed and the EDF is getting increasingly desperate in it's need for material. They have turned from saviors into tyrants, openly shooting and brutalizing people in the streets. They have a gigantic miltary force on Mars and the most powerful battleship ever constructed, The Hydra, is about to be deployed. This ship contains 200 thousand soldiers, and can hit a human sized target or destroy all life on Mars. As the game progresses they get more and more desperate, even deploying bombs that create small black holes.
-The Marauders: These guys are raiders that live deep in the irradiated zone of the badlands. Their origin is unknown, but what is known is they really don't like Martians and are amazingly aggressive. Although far worse technologicly then anyone else, the pure brute force they can bring forth is devastating.
Geez, These guys are insanse, how am I going to stop them?
With guns, And rockets, And Nanites, And small black holes. Throughout the game you will encounter weapons that would make Blackwater quiver. You start with a lowly sledge hammer, or it would appear untill you realize that through SCIENCE(TM) it can level entire building and punch through even the best armour.
So, What's Mars like anyway? I heard it's red and cold.
The EDF has terraformed Mars. It now has a breathable atmosphere and can support human and plant life. Colonists arrive by the ship full daily, escaping Earths collapsing economy. Mars in the game is split into six sectors:
-Parker: Named for the legendary hero of the original rebellion, Parker is a small mining area where most new colonists arrive.
-Dust: Named for the Dust everywhere from the badly managed terraforming, Dust is the center of mining on Mars and forms the backbone of EDF profits.
-The Badlands: The outskirts of the habitable sector, the marauders have made living here hell and a large part of it is irradiated.
-Oasis: The opposite of Dust, Oasis is named because it has been terraformed very well. This is where the majority of the colonists live, and even has plant life.
-The Free Fire Zone: The EDF has set up an area outside of EOS where they can legally kill anyone they want, Has a gigantic artillary platform so that the EDF can do just that.
-EOS: Named after the leader of the Red Faction during the first uprising, EOS is where all the rich and influential live. You get to bring it all crashing down on their heads.
Oh god, That sounds like a horrible place to live.
Yes it does, but you can make it better. The game is a free-roam game where the objective is to bring down the goverment sector by sector. You accomplish this by doing varing missions and generally wrecking up the place. This is measured in two ways:
-EDF Control: Represents the amount of troops and supplies the EDF have in the sector, get it down to zero and the final mission for the sector will be available. with them pulling out, often wrecking as much as they can along the way.
-Morale: Represents how much the people like you, raise it and they are more likely to come to your aid.
Hey, Can I still make tunnels like in Red Faction 1?
No, But the Geo-Mod is far, far better in other ways now. The new system has been developed so that every single building in the enter game can be completely leveled, brick by brick. Buildings can, and will, collapse if the right parts are destroyed. The Dev Team said that it was so good that the level designers kept having stuff collapse on them.
That's absolutely awesome, Whats MP like?
Multiplayer is pretty good, The Geo-Mod is tuned down somewhat, Not all of the peices of buildings stick around and it's slightly less realistic. But it's still leaps ahead of anything else. Game Modes include the usual deathmatches and CTF games. With a few that focus on Geo-Mod, like Siege and Wrecking Crew (An offline mode where you try to destroy as much crap as possible).
What did you think of it?
Well, the fact that im writting this right now says something. I think it's a great game, even if the storyline is a bit too short and ends with blatant sequel-bait. Even after beating it there is still so much to do.
Will it come to the PC?
Yes, But it's going to be ported by a 3rd party company, and come out much later then it's console brothers. Don't hold your breath.
I really want it, How much do I have to pay?
Look it up yourself, I don't know where you live.
What is it? Well it's a free-roaming game set on Mars, The goal is to take down the Government. It's gimmick is Geo-Mod 2, which is used to amazing effect..
Ok, So who am I?
You are Alec Mason, Generic (Although actually rather well developed) Reluctant-Hero Guy. He comes to Mars after being chased off Earth for something that's hinted at, but never fully revealed.
That's pretty neat, Who are my friends?
Your biggest ally is the Red Faction as a whole, which throughout the game grows according to your actions from a group of petty vandals to a full-fledged resistance movement. You meet a martian girl, Samanya. In the faction who is part tech expert (You get all your neat upgrades from her) part love-interest, and part Mystery background character. You also meet the RF commander and some other supporting characters.
Those guys seem pretty cool, but I suppose some guys want to kill me too.
Yes, Plenty of people want nothing more then your corpse buried under the red sands of Mars, Two factions in particular:
-The Earth Defense Force: The EDF are a mix between Goverment and Occuping force. They saved the Martian people from the brutality of Ultor in Red Faction and have since brought to Mars a breathable atmosphere and a booming mining economy. However Earths economy has collapsed and the EDF is getting increasingly desperate in it's need for material. They have turned from saviors into tyrants, openly shooting and brutalizing people in the streets. They have a gigantic miltary force on Mars and the most powerful battleship ever constructed, The Hydra, is about to be deployed. This ship contains 200 thousand soldiers, and can hit a human sized target or destroy all life on Mars. As the game progresses they get more and more desperate, even deploying bombs that create small black holes.
-The Marauders: These guys are raiders that live deep in the irradiated zone of the badlands. Their origin is unknown, but what is known is they really don't like Martians and are amazingly aggressive. Although far worse technologicly then anyone else, the pure brute force they can bring forth is devastating.
Geez, These guys are insanse, how am I going to stop them?
With guns, And rockets, And Nanites, And small black holes. Throughout the game you will encounter weapons that would make Blackwater quiver. You start with a lowly sledge hammer, or it would appear untill you realize that through SCIENCE(TM) it can level entire building and punch through even the best armour.
So, What's Mars like anyway? I heard it's red and cold.
The EDF has terraformed Mars. It now has a breathable atmosphere and can support human and plant life. Colonists arrive by the ship full daily, escaping Earths collapsing economy. Mars in the game is split into six sectors:
-Parker: Named for the legendary hero of the original rebellion, Parker is a small mining area where most new colonists arrive.
-Dust: Named for the Dust everywhere from the badly managed terraforming, Dust is the center of mining on Mars and forms the backbone of EDF profits.
-The Badlands: The outskirts of the habitable sector, the marauders have made living here hell and a large part of it is irradiated.
-Oasis: The opposite of Dust, Oasis is named because it has been terraformed very well. This is where the majority of the colonists live, and even has plant life.
-The Free Fire Zone: The EDF has set up an area outside of EOS where they can legally kill anyone they want, Has a gigantic artillary platform so that the EDF can do just that.
-EOS: Named after the leader of the Red Faction during the first uprising, EOS is where all the rich and influential live. You get to bring it all crashing down on their heads.
Oh god, That sounds like a horrible place to live.
Yes it does, but you can make it better. The game is a free-roam game where the objective is to bring down the goverment sector by sector. You accomplish this by doing varing missions and generally wrecking up the place. This is measured in two ways:
-EDF Control: Represents the amount of troops and supplies the EDF have in the sector, get it down to zero and the final mission for the sector will be available. with them pulling out, often wrecking as much as they can along the way.
-Morale: Represents how much the people like you, raise it and they are more likely to come to your aid.
Hey, Can I still make tunnels like in Red Faction 1?
No, But the Geo-Mod is far, far better in other ways now. The new system has been developed so that every single building in the enter game can be completely leveled, brick by brick. Buildings can, and will, collapse if the right parts are destroyed. The Dev Team said that it was so good that the level designers kept having stuff collapse on them.
That's absolutely awesome, Whats MP like?
Multiplayer is pretty good, The Geo-Mod is tuned down somewhat, Not all of the peices of buildings stick around and it's slightly less realistic. But it's still leaps ahead of anything else. Game Modes include the usual deathmatches and CTF games. With a few that focus on Geo-Mod, like Siege and Wrecking Crew (An offline mode where you try to destroy as much crap as possible).
What did you think of it?
Well, the fact that im writting this right now says something. I think it's a great game, even if the storyline is a bit too short and ends with blatant sequel-bait. Even after beating it there is still so much to do.
Will it come to the PC?
Yes, But it's going to be ported by a 3rd party company, and come out much later then it's console brothers. Don't hold your breath.
I really want it, How much do I have to pay?
Look it up yourself, I don't know where you live.