Originally posted by Emon:
Alright, I'll play. I think you take such strong, volatile stances here on the forums because you lack the assertiveness to be so confrontational in your personal life, or lack the assertiveness to get somewhere with your life. Last I checked, you haven't gone to college, and despite being obviously extremely intelligent, can't get a good job because of it. You rationalize it away by saying that you can't really teach software engineering or computer science in schools, and self-taught is better. You could probably get a job as a software engineer, but you don't because you refuse to think you'd like working in the industry, or don't think it's worth your time. So instead you try to make games to sell on Steam while working at Blockbuster and living at home with your mom. Maybe you're such a dick on the forums because you're projecting your frustrations with your own life and career on us. After all, the internet is an easy outlet for that.
I think you stick up for Kirby because you see a lot of the things I've criticized him for in yourself and you don't like them. In spite of attending a prestigious school you still don't "get" what you're learning and you're terrified of being a failure in your own life. You have poorly developed social skills which you blame on Aspergers even though you're really just too afraid to put yourself in a situation where you might have to relate to others. You also blame Aspergers for not having a girlfriend, even though you never talk to girls in class and the bulk of your free time is spent masturbating to pornography in your dorm room. You like to invent elaborate motivations and life histories for people you do not know and will never meet because they find you tedious.