Post all things of sandwich goodness! Burgers. subs, and other similar foodstuffs are not to be included! Example sandwich goodness material for this thread include: What are your favorite sandwiches? What sandwich factoids do you find interesting? What sandwich stories do you all have? Etc. etc. Pictures and whatnot are encouraged.
I'm interested in what sandwiches you all might recommend, as I feel woefully unexposed. On the whole, I'm a bread fiend, though I find I like to stack my sandwiches more than others I know, especially with meat.
As far as sandwich stories? Of course I'm going to plug Martyn's thread!
I'm interested in what sandwiches you all might recommend, as I feel woefully unexposed. On the whole, I'm a bread fiend, though I find I like to stack my sandwiches more than others I know, especially with meat.
As far as sandwich stories? Of course I'm going to plug Martyn's thread!
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