What would be the best way to ensure a message is recieved 100 years in the future?
What got me thinking about this- there is a silly radio commerial for Six Flags/Coke that features Nikola Tesla broadcasting to the people of the future from the past talking about Coke and rollercoasters. The ad makes no attempt to explain how the signal delay achieved. Presumably - He bounces a radio signal off a distant object and somehow had the forsight to use FM frequencies.
I know in one of the Back-to-the-Future's Doc/Marty had the Post Office deliver a package to a specific time and place. I can't imagine the post office offers this service but perhaps another company might.
Time Capsule? Some sort of electronic delivery, like an email/virus/ect bouncing around the internet for 100 years?
Forget the why, how would you realisticlly accomplish this? (Just trying to reduce the Invent-a-timemachine responses)
What got me thinking about this- there is a silly radio commerial for Six Flags/Coke that features Nikola Tesla broadcasting to the people of the future from the past talking about Coke and rollercoasters. The ad makes no attempt to explain how the signal delay achieved. Presumably - He bounces a radio signal off a distant object and somehow had the forsight to use FM frequencies.
I know in one of the Back-to-the-Future's Doc/Marty had the Post Office deliver a package to a specific time and place. I can't imagine the post office offers this service but perhaps another company might.
Time Capsule? Some sort of electronic delivery, like an email/virus/ect bouncing around the internet for 100 years?
Forget the why, how would you realisticlly accomplish this? (Just trying to reduce the Invent-a-timemachine responses)