(I have another forum game idea in mind, but it needs some work yet, and I'm curious if part of my plan will even fly, so I'm sort of testing it with this game. Presenting...)
~ Gnommernymn ~ [/I][/SIZE]
Objective: Beat your opponent in physical combat within the realm of Gnommernymn!
How to Play:
In many ways, this is like a glorified "bar fight" thread, with some exceptions:
1) For simplicity, this will be a 1-on-1 fight. Each fighter has 2 days after the previous fighter's attack post to post their own attack. They forfeit their turn if they do not post within that time.
2) Damage is dealt only by votes from other people. Each fighter may receive one point of damage per poster that voted. Total damage per turn is added after 2 days has passed since their attack post.
3) Normal attacks are not possible in Gnommernymn, thus, each fighter must use words unknown to us (read: nonsense words) to describe the attacks and items that are used - similar in spirit to the Jabberwocky poem. For example, the fighter's attack would be ineffective if it included the word "gun" in their post, even if "gun" did not describe the weapon it commonly describes.
For now, I'll need a couple brave players before starting. In the meantime, please ask any questions I'm sure you all have. The initial hitpoints of the players will be determined at the start of the match (read: I haven't decided yet).
~ Gnommernymn ~ [/I][/SIZE]
Objective: Beat your opponent in physical combat within the realm of Gnommernymn!
How to Play:
In many ways, this is like a glorified "bar fight" thread, with some exceptions:
1) For simplicity, this will be a 1-on-1 fight. Each fighter has 2 days after the previous fighter's attack post to post their own attack. They forfeit their turn if they do not post within that time.
2) Damage is dealt only by votes from other people. Each fighter may receive one point of damage per poster that voted. Total damage per turn is added after 2 days has passed since their attack post.
3) Normal attacks are not possible in Gnommernymn, thus, each fighter must use words unknown to us (read: nonsense words) to describe the attacks and items that are used - similar in spirit to the Jabberwocky poem. For example, the fighter's attack would be ineffective if it included the word "gun" in their post, even if "gun" did not describe the weapon it commonly describes.
For now, I'll need a couple brave players before starting. In the meantime, please ask any questions I'm sure you all have. The initial hitpoints of the players will be determined at the start of the match (read: I haven't decided yet).
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