Jep Bartholomew Francisqué de Minguo El Inigo Montoya Padré the Third
Posts: 10,237
Aye it does have offline multiplayer, though only one can actually create the character. The second will serve as a henchman. Plug in a controller and hit start to bring up the co-op setup screen. If your housemate has his own gamer id, he can choose to start his own fable 2 campaign, beat the kid prologue and then save. Then once you get him to join as henchman, he can choose to select his save. While he'll have only the appearance of a henchman, cannot actually play any mini-games, buy anything, etc. he will be able to assist you in combat, and select his own set of attributes and abilities. If he doesn't have his own save game, the henchman will just be a mirror copy of your own character.
The camera takes some getting used too though.
Definately a must buy for co-op fun. Especially considering how cheap it is nowadays. I got might for 10$ (CAN)
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless