When I was 11, people told me I was alot smarter than people my age. I have a theory as to why many of us are told these things.
Its not that we are smarter than everyone, its that on a general basis, the majority of the population has got A LOT dumber. I try to talk with someone, and the only subjects they know is music. Names and stuff like that. I obviously don't pay attention to the music industry. I don't watch much TV either (I know its weird but the TV bores me 90% of the time. Bad programming).
Now a days, people don't feel I'm smarter than my age. They think I act my age.
Anyhow, I want to say something, why the way I am. This is mein kampf!
I cannot live like the rest of the people. I've tried it, and I hate it. The idea of having an ordinary life, where you work 8 hours everyday, barely meet your bills and save a little money so that in july you can spend a week in some **** town with family.
I'd rather kill myself than live like that.
I really detest how my father lives his life. I hate it because I have to live like him. In over 8 years, I have not gone on vacation. I haven't fished in 11 years. I haven't gone to a beach in so long, I can't remember it. Ugh!
I really hate it. I think I somehow hate my father. He refuses to move to another city. He can hardly walk anymore and refuses to see a doctor, EVEN WHEN A FRIEND OF THE FAMILY, A DOCTOR OFFERED HIM A FREE CHECKUP AND FREE X RAYS, he still refused. He doesn't like me going out at all. When ever I go out with my friends, he calls me ENDLESSLY all night, and fakes that he is having pains or someone is trying to break into the house so I'll come home. In fact he is pissed off at me because I'm celebrating my birthday, and this the real first time I celebrate a birthday of mine. I hate the fact that for my dad there is no other life but religion, and work. Going out once a week, it too many times. Once a month is barely acceptable to him.
I DO HATE HIM. I hate having to live a **** life because my father is a man resigned to die and doesn't really care that much about others.
I needed to vent this some place where it won't get me kicked out of my house.
Nothing to see here, move along.