Loading too slow for my connection but I already know what this is about. His botched *** surgery (see, there is a legitimate need for the word to be uncensored).
Seriously, do you have a point, or does the fact that he had a miserable experience mean that he has to rollover (carefully due to botched *** surgery) and embrace the destruction of our healthcare system as we know it?
The Daily Show? Really? Couldn't you at least have found a link to MSNBC or something that at least pretends to be a news organization? Nevermind, Jon Stewart might actually have more credibility.
Note: The above is rhetorical and is probably best ignored. The same debate all over again but now we're going to use the fact that a man opposed to the currently proposed reform had a terrible medical ordeal. Should actually lend more weight to his opinion.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16