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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Off the top of your head, how far do you remember Pi?
Off the top of your head, how far do you remember Pi?
2009-10-13, 9:43 PM #41

2009-10-13, 9:48 PM #42
Originally posted by Flirbnic:
Does the pi song actually have a digit wrong?

I don't think so.
2009-10-13, 9:52 PM #43
Originally posted by Steven:
3.14 was all I ever bothered to learn.

2009-10-13, 9:53 PM #44
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Prove it

I could list them off but there's nothing to prove that I didn't just copy and paste them from somewhere. Unfortunately I think you're just going to have to take my word for it.



(from )
2009-10-13, 9:59 PM #45
Originally posted by JM:
You're all fools, pi = 3. It says so in the Bible.

Welllll... the bible says it took a cord 30 cubits long to measure around the 10 cubit diameter round pool.

1.) Rope stretches.
2.) A cubit has no standard: it's the length of your forearm.
3.) The circular pool was most likely a very crude approximation of a circle.

The fact that they got so close is pretty impressive actually.
2009-10-13, 11:34 PM #46

That's as many digits fit on a calculator when I was a lad, so it seemed the most sensible amount of digits to memorise.
2009-10-13, 11:36 PM #47
Originally posted by Jon`C:
It shows up in a lot of places in a lot of unexpected ways that have little or nothing to do with circles.

Euler Buckling for instance.

mmmmmmm.... buckling.
2009-10-14, 3:08 PM #48
Originally posted by TimeWolfOfThePast:
Pi is exactly 3!

That is one epic win right there.
"Oh my god. That just made me want to start cutting" - Aglar
"Why do people from ALL OVER NORTH AMERICA keep asking about CATS?" - Steven, 4/1/2009
2009-10-14, 3:50 PM #49
1.) Rope stretches.
2.) A cubit has no standard: it's the length of your forearm.
3.) The circular pool was most likely a very crude approximation of a circle.

The fact that they got so close is pretty impressive actually.

Their accuracy is fairly impressive. The first point you made explains the discrepancy all by itself. The other two should not be considered.

For 2) : It does not matter if a cubit is standard, as long as the same forearm is used to measure the pool and the rope.

For 3) : It is trivial to mark a circle using a piece of rope and a stake. The circle would by no means be perfect, but neither would it be a 'crude approximation' - it would be accurate enough to get a more accurate measurement of pi. Assuming a non-stretchy rope and accurate measurement of rope lengths, they could have gotten a few decimals right.

Of course, there's the issue with them probably not being very good at dividing a cubit into sections. If their rope ended up being 31 cubits and a little left over, they might just say it's 31 cubits.
2009-10-14, 4:44 PM #50
3.14159265358979 A friend and I had a contest in 5th grade to see who could remember it the furthest, he won, but he had the asian advantage.
2009-10-14, 4:52 PM #51
So use your American advantage and beat his face in and/or invade his country.
2009-10-14, 5:18 PM #52
ur sputid
2009-10-14, 6:37 PM #53
Originally posted by JM:
Their accuracy is fairly impressive. The first point you made explains the discrepancy all by itself. The other two should not be considered.

For 2) : It does not matter if a cubit is standard, as long as the same forearm is used to measure the pool and the rope.
Know how I'd measure a 30 cubit rope? By coiling it around my arm.

For 3) : The circle would by no means be perfect, but neither would it be a 'crude approximation'
Modern masons have a hard time with round shapes.

they could have gotten a few decimals right.
I doubt it, since they didn't have decimals.
2009-10-14, 6:59 PM #54
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
So use your American advantage and beat his face in and/or invade his country.

Yeah k cool
2009-10-14, 9:37 PM #55
Well, you generalized. Why can't I?
2009-10-14, 9:58 PM #56
the cubit system did have smaller units, namely, the span (distance between thumb and pinky with the fingers splayed) the hand (essentially the width of the palm) and the finger (width not length).
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2009-10-14, 10:47 PM #57
Originally posted by Ford:
the cubit system did have smaller units, namely, the span (distance between thumb and pinky with the fingers splayed) the hand (essentially the width of the palm) and the finger (width not length).

31 cubits 8 fingers
2009-10-15, 12:02 AM #58
I think i'm going to be sick
2009-10-15, 12:37 AM #59
I have awesome photos from the stone masons yard at York Minster. I would share, but they're at home and I'm at work.
2009-10-15, 3:27 AM #60
I had too many things to remember than to be concerned with the value of pi.

Fat lot of good it did me in the exams, though.
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2009-10-15, 7:55 AM #61

And it doesn't matter from there onwards, right?
Sneaky sneaks. I'm actually a werewolf. Woof.
2009-10-15, 11:15 PM #62
pi = 3

(decimals suck)
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2009-10-15, 11:27 PM #63
2009-10-16, 1:05 PM #64

Ok, so that means I'm on the level of a scientist?
This signature agrees with the previously posted signatures. To violate previously posted signatures is a violation of the EULA for this signature and you will be subject to unruly behavior.
2009-10-16, 1:09 PM #65
6 significant digits of precision is definitely enough for anyone
2009-10-16, 1:24 PM #66
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Well, you generalized. Why can't I?

He doesn't like you.

I don't like you either.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2009-10-16, 1:35 PM #67
Well, he was in Hawaii.

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2009-10-16, 2:05 PM #68
That's my friend's avatar on msn.
2009-10-16, 7:11 PM #69
yeah, memorizing pi used to be cool back in 6th grade. good job, you pathetic man-children.
2009-10-16, 7:41 PM #70
oh no, we are being insulted by forums superstar "ragna"
2009-10-16, 8:20 PM #71
Originally posted by Emon:
He doesn't like you.

I don't like you either.

Do you also have the death sentence in 12 systems?
2009-10-17, 4:26 PM #72
Originally posted by Jon`C:
oh no, we are being insulted by forums superstar "ragna"

2009-10-17, 5:50 PM #73
Originally posted by ragna:
You have no idea.

See, the problem here is that memorizing Pi was never cool. It's not cool today and it wasn't cool in 6th grade. What's important is th

Get out.
2009-10-17, 7:22 PM #74
My thread, she is beautiful.
2009-10-17, 7:27 PM #75

2009-10-17, 7:52 PM #76
2009-10-17, 8:38 PM #77
Originally posted by Jon`C:
You have no idea.

See, the problem here is that memorizing Pi was never cool. It's not cool today and it wasn't cool in 6th grade. What's important is th

Get out.

weak again. if you didnt see how that was mocking you, i dont know what to

completing sentences was never cool.
2009-10-17, 8:50 PM #78
Originally posted by ragna:
weak again. if you didnt see how that was mocking you, i dont know what to

completing sentences was never cool.

at you believe you aren't an insufferable man-child yet you still have the time and inclination to register your disapproval of the subject matter.

Get out.
2009-10-17, 8:52 PM #79
Ragna's gonna get owned.

EDIT: Joncy ninja-posted me.
>>untie shoes
2009-10-17, 10:01 PM #80
Originally posted by Jon`C:
at you believe you aren't an insufferable man-child yet you still have the time and inclination to register your disapproval of the subject matter.

Get out.

"time" and "inclination" amounts to 10 seconds, making you cry is priceless and hilarious. good job repeating my insult back at me. go learn more digits of pi.

Originally posted by Antony:
Ragna's gonna get owned.

EDIT: Joncy ninja-posted me.

be quiet alchie pissant.

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