So, I just learned some basic formula's about special relativity, I was wondering something about one certain formula:
t = t0 / sqrt( 1 - v^2 / c^2 )
Let's say I was on a frickin' fast rocket that travels at c, and I would be watching at a process that (when I wouldn't be traveling at c, but I would travel just as fast as the process) took 1 second.
This means the time the process took to get 1 second ahead in time would take how many seconds?
t = t0 / sqrt(0) = t0 / 0
What would be going on in this situation? Could somebody with a fysiks background explain this to me?
N.B. Rinse and repeat for length contraction (object length would be 0?) and mass increase (mass would be m0 / 0?)
t = t0 / sqrt( 1 - v^2 / c^2 )
Let's say I was on a frickin' fast rocket that travels at c, and I would be watching at a process that (when I wouldn't be traveling at c, but I would travel just as fast as the process) took 1 second.
This means the time the process took to get 1 second ahead in time would take how many seconds?
t = t0 / sqrt(0) = t0 / 0
What would be going on in this situation? Could somebody with a fysiks background explain this to me?
N.B. Rinse and repeat for length contraction (object length would be 0?) and mass increase (mass would be m0 / 0?)