Our education system is dreadful, you are forced to commit far too early on. Once you pick your GCSE subjects you're pretty much stuck with them for 2 years, regardless of how you find them, in many cases this will be the first time you've even done the subject (ie business studies, economics etc). Then you have to pick your A-Levels, again you're stuck with your decision for two years (this has improved lately with AS-Levels, but you're still committing for a year), at which point you're probably picking subjects you know you can do well at, rather than trying to expand your horizons. Then you pick your degree course, you can only change your 'major' at the start of each educational year and this normally involves starting your degree over (ie any credit you gained during the first year doesn't count towards your degree if you switch to a different subject).
I did a Computer Science degree (primarily because I knew I could do well at it), and there was never the opportunity to take a completely unrelated course for a single semester just to try something different, all the optional courses were still related to Computer Science in some way.
It's a truly terrible system, and whilst I know the American system has its problems, it almost certainly gives you the ability to gain a more well-rounded education if that's what you're after.
Detty. Professional Expert.
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