Can I mention metroid pinball? >_>
I really enjoyed that :p
I also liked
Marvel Trading Card game (but I'm a nut for card games)
FF Tactics A2 (though that got old towards the end, never bothered finishing it)
Puzzle Quest (think bejewelled, but matching gems gets you mana to cast spells)
Luminous Arc (rpg similar to FF tactics but I found it more fun)
Elite Beat Agents (normally I hate rhythm games, but this is crazy)
Castlevania (the first DS one, not a big fan of the later ones)
And a friend of mine is in love with some weird game called "Rune Factory 2 A Fantasy Harvest Moon"
Which plays like Harvest Moon, except that the cows and stuff are monstery, and you have to beat them up to get them working for you, everything you do levels up (chopping wood, bashing rocks, fighting) and eventually, you pick a wife, have a kid and then start playing as the child I couldn't get past the repetitiveness of harvest moon type games, but if you're into that you'll probably love this.
You can't judge a book by it's file size