That's right, it's (probably) the first Christmas album that is Massassian related. I have made a return just for this thread, despite CoolMatty who is the worst chat (and, arguably, forum) moderator in the world to bring you this idea. So far, we will have the unprofessional vocals of Jani "El Perkele, c'est le Krokodile XVII, son of Krokodile XVI" Tuominen, and so far I have contributed nothing except the idea of the album and some of the names of the tracklist. Here are a few:
I. O, Jedi Knight
II. Rudalph the Red-Noosed Reindeer...from Lapland!
III. of the Bells
IV. I'll Be on Yavin IV for Christmas
V. 'Twas the night before the farms were down
VI. Frosty the Deadman
VII. Jingle Bell Krok
VIII. Little Power Metal Drummer Boy
We will be recording the lyrics and mixing them in with some midi's that have FINNISHing touches by the outstanding and polite Nikumubeki (TODOA, Deus Ex Nihilum, UNATCO Born).
We will probably sell the album for whatever and give the proceeds to some charity, probably the charity that lamematty is all about.
If you would like to contribute to the album in some fashion (recording a song, providing vocals or music), please let us know. And understand that if you do choose to contribute, you will have to will have to pass our double quality check, meaning that Krokodile and myself have to approve.
Any suggestions for lyrics or song names are welcome as well.