There are indeed natural phenomena that contribute to climate change and cause natural cycles in atmospheric conditions. However, point no. 1 can be shown to be demonstrably wrong
[1] [2] [3] [4]when you measure the contribution from these sources and compare with what we observe in the atmosphere. When we correct for natural variability, we still observe that the anthropogenic contribution is far more significant than any natural cycle that usually affect our climate.
Every one of these measurements has a quantifiable uncertainty with them, and that's why climate change has been discussed in academia for the last 40 years (discussing exactly your point 1) but only in the last 10 or 20 years have we had the accuracy to determine with confidence the immediacy and severity of climate change and our contribution to it.
On this point, I do agree with you. There is indeed a somewhat sinister use of 'green' marketing for PR purposes to hide the actual damage done by particular corporations or policies. Such as Bush's Clear Skies Act of 2003, that actually
weakened air pollution laws, and the flat out lies made by
Toyota and
Lexus is advertising 'green' credentials. The fact that
so many products are falsely advertising green credentials while not actually reducing their carbon footprint at all makes it near impossible for consumers to make any sort of ethical consideration for what they consume.
I also think there's a problem with various political groups (usually left-wing green socialists) hijacking climate change as a cause for their own, and disregarding genuine solutions because it conflicts with their political manifesto. I think a lot of people that don't want to believe in anthropogenic climate change are just opposed to these radical groups, and are concerned that radical lifestyle changes will be forced upon them from above as a necessary consequence of accepting the science.
While I may be somewhat sympathetic to these groups in the wider scheme of things, I think it is ultimately damaging to the single issue of climate change and an international agreement to tackle it. There are solutions to climate change that do
not radically overthrow capitalism or make us all live in teepees and eat pineapples and smoke marijuana. They may not be quite as much fun, but they're far more realistic.
I see our response to climate change as a great opportunity to invest in science and create new jobs and new industries. On May 25, 1961 JFK announced that in 10 years, the US would land a man on the moon. This was not just to capture imagination and kindle patriotism in conflict with the Soviets, this was also because of the economic benefit to key states in the next election (Texas in particular). With that political motivation, science achieved in 10 years what was thought utterly impossible in the 10 years prior.
We can achieve tremendous and amazing things, if there is the political will to do them. This is purely what the issue of climate change needs. The science for preventing dangerous climate change already exists, the industry for alternate technologies already exists, the knowledge of how to do all of this already exists. All that remains is the political motivation to actually do it.
And you're quite right, I think it is unfair to ask the developing nations to bear the brunt of the responsibility. The responsibility lies with the greatest polluters, the US, the EU and China. However, I think it is necessary that developing countries do not develop in the same way that we have. To that extent, I think it is necessary to provide them the alternative energy generation technology that the West has. This is not about sinking a lump sum of money to developing countries and let them sort it out, instead about sharing knowledge to produce food and energy sustainably. Which is far more valuable.