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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Xbox's, Red Rings and Playstations
Xbox's, Red Rings and Playstations
2009-12-09, 6:45 AM #81
Yes, it can, although it's a lot harder to setup. The media streaming thing is incredibly picky, and Zune doesn't work with it. :/
2009-12-09, 6:49 AM #82
I'll probably just shove the mp3s on the ps3's harddrive anyways. For a 50$ difference between the 120gb and the 250gb, I'll just go with the latter. Even if my mp3 collection takes up half the 250gb, I should have plenty of space for some time. Should I need more space, I'll just flush out the crap albums.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2009-12-09, 7:02 AM #83
If it matters, note that you cannot listen to music while ingame (unless the game specifically gives you a way to, but I don't know of any that do), like you can on the 360.
2009-12-09, 7:06 AM #84
I've found that the PS3s streaming stuff was much easier to set up. Infact scratch that, I didn't even set anything up - it just worked right off the bat.
2009-12-09, 7:11 AM #85
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
If it matters, note that you cannot listen to music while ingame (unless the game specifically gives you a way to, but I don't know of any that do), like you can on the 360.

I never really made use of that, but then I'm usually a fan of game atmosphere / soundtracks. The only games I needed my own music were games like Forza where you get no music while racing (ugh!). If its the case in games like Grand Turismo 5 and Motorstorm, I will definately miss that feature.

The reason I want my MP3's on it though is really just to be able to play music from my sound system when I have folks over. A CD could do the job and whatnot, and its really just luxury, but still. XD
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2009-12-09, 7:18 AM #86
Originally posted by Baconfish:
I've found that the PS3s streaming stuff was much easier to set up. Infact scratch that, I didn't even set anything up - it just worked right off the bat.

I only needed to do any set-up when I wanted to use Windows Media Centre features on the 360. For just streaming music or video it was simply a case of choosing whichever computer from the menu and what files I wanted to stream. I love the ability to stream music in game, too. Makes stuff like searching for glyphs and feathers in Assassin's Creed 2 much more tolerable.
2009-12-09, 9:16 AM #87
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
If it matters, note that you cannot listen to music while ingame (unless the game specifically gives you a way to, but I don't know of any that do), like you can on the 360.

Burnout Paradise
Ghostbusters: The Video Game
Godfather 2
Killzone 2 (multiplayer only)
LittleBigPlanet (when creating levels only, used via menu)
Midnight Club: Los Angeles
MLB: The Show (main menu only?)
Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe
Motorstorm Pacific Rift (offline only)
NBA 09: The Inside
NCAA Football 09 (only at certain times, touchdown ie)
Resistance 2 (offline only)
Sacred 2
Shaun White Snowboarding
Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection (mutes SFX sounds)
Sonic Unleashed
Street Figther IV
Warhawk (patched)
Teken 6


PSN Releases:
Burnout Paradise
High Velocity Bowling
Marvel vs Capcom 2
PixelJunk Eden (unlockable)
PixelJunk Monsters (patched)
Super Stardust HD
Wipeout HD (via menu, need to make a playlsit)
Warhawk (patched)
ZEN Pinball

And I think others too. The list is old and incomplete so there's probably more.
2009-12-09, 9:36 AM #88
That would be why, I didn't play any of those, save for Burnout.
2009-12-09, 11:13 AM #89
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
Yes, it can, although it's a lot harder to setup. The media streaming thing is incredibly picky, and Zune doesn't work with it. :/

I've noticed that some of my podcasts don't show up under Zune on my 360 but when I go through WMP shared files on the 360 they are there. It is really strange too because Zune is the program I have configured to download the podcasts.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2009-12-09, 11:30 AM #90
Originally posted by Cloud:
Man, Cool Matty. Probably an understatement to say you really hate the PS3.

The way he talks, you'd think a PS3 burned his fields, raided his storehouses, and killed his herds.
2009-12-09, 11:37 AM #91
Originally posted by Steven:
The way he talks, you'd think a PS3 burned his fields, raided his storehouses, and killed his herds.

No, I just think for the price that it sucks, especially when I already have a 360.
2009-12-09, 11:43 AM #92
I tend to agree that right now, the playstation 3 bundle sucks. 300$ / 350$ (CAN) for a 120gb or 250gb playstation 3, 1 controller and NOTHING else is terribly expensive and unappealing in and of itself. But its the exclusives that really draw me to it. They suit me better than the endless slew of fps horse**** we get from the 360.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2009-12-09, 11:45 AM #93
Originally posted by Jep:
I tend to agree that right now, the playstation 3 bundle sucks. 300$ / 350$ (CAN) for a 120gb or 250gb playstation 3, 1 controller and NOTHING else is terribly expensive and unappealing in and of itself. But its the exclusives that really draw me to it. They suit me better than the endless slew of fps horse**** we get from the 360.

I do hate the FPSes, but a lot of the exclusives on PS3 are also FPSes (Killzone, Resistance).

Honestly, I use my 360 the most for music and XBLA games. Worms 2 is :awesome:
2009-12-09, 11:49 AM #94
...Aren't they the ONLY exclusives that are FPSes? :P
2009-12-09, 11:52 AM #95
i can only think of 4 exclusives that are FPS... Resistance, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, Haze
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2009-12-09, 12:14 PM #96
Uncharted 1 and 2, Infamous, God of War series, Little Big Planet, Heavenly Sword, Demon's Souls, etc.

They all appeal to me more than most xbox exclusives. The only one that I really like is Gears of Wars, and even then, the second one didn't quite grasp me like the first did.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2009-12-09, 12:47 PM #97
Yeah but those aren't FPSes, which was my/Jim's point. :P
2009-12-09, 12:53 PM #98
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2009-12-09, 12:53 PM #99
Aren't the only FPS exclusives on the 360 Halo, now that I think about it?
2009-12-09, 12:57 PM #100
You know, I was sitting here, wondering why I had the bloody feeling all xbox 360 exclusives were FPS... and yea... the only one I could conjure is the Halo series. But then, I can't think of any xbox exclusives I haven't played, or that are coming up that appeal to me, and there is only Mass Effect 2 and Fable 3.

I guess the overabundance of FPS releases, the fact that until now I've only owned a 360, and the fact that so few of its exclusives appeal to me, created the idea that it was overflowing with FPS crap.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2009-12-09, 1:14 PM #101
Lots of good RPGs come out exclusive to the 360, but then are rereleased on the PS3 like a year later. I can think of quite a few that I have that were 360 exclusive when I got them (some got released on PS3 eventually, some didn't).
2009-12-09, 2:25 PM #102
Originally posted by Jep:
The only games I needed my own music were games like Forza where you get no music while racing (ugh!).

That's because you don't need music while racing. You should be focusing on the task at hand.
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2009-12-09, 2:31 PM #103
Originally posted by zanardi:
That's because you don't need music while racing. You should be focusing on the task at hand.

Don't tell him how he should be driving
2009-12-09, 2:34 PM #104
Yeah wtf

This message was sent from my iPhone (while driving)
2009-12-09, 5:02 PM #105
I'm really not one for car sims. I play to just race, compete with my friends and have an adrenaline rush. Nothing aids the latter than some good, dynamic music. Sadly, there just aren't that many of the more arcadsy type racers out there these days. I miss the good old days of Need for Speed 2 : SE
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2009-12-09, 5:07 PM #106
My favorite racing game ever was San Francisco Rush - the hidden underground death arena was awesome.
2009-12-09, 5:12 PM #107
I thought I was the only one who liked arcade-style racing games. The sim-style ones just aren't fun for me.
2009-12-09, 6:16 PM #108
Heavenly Sword was a unique experience, but I would only recommend renting it.
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2009-12-09, 6:20 PM #109
Originally posted by Jep:
Sadly, there just aren't that many of the more arcadsy type racers out there these days.

Grid? Dirt? All the NFS?

All race games are arcardy unless developed by Sim Bin
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2009-12-09, 7:32 PM #110
You do realize that to get everything the PS3 has on a 360, you end up paying about the same/more than you would for the PS3? Not to mention the 60$ a year for XBL. Over the course of a few years where my 350$ is put to good use, you'll end up having payed well over the limit.
2009-12-09, 7:40 PM #111
If you have Windows 7 (I'm still using Windows 7 RC), you can stream media files easily to your PS3 (yeah ironic). All you have to do is set a folder to share.

You can also add Tekken 6 to that list of games that has ingame music.
2009-12-09, 8:12 PM #112
Originally posted by Xzero:
You do realize that to get everything the PS3 has on a 360, you end up paying about the same/more than you would for the PS3? Not to mention the 60$ a year for XBL. Over the course of a few years where my 350$ is put to good use, you'll end up having payed well over the limit.

i've never paid $60 for a year of XBL... hell i paid $30 for the last 13 month card i got
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2009-12-09, 8:12 PM #113

Also: It's 60$ around here for 13 months. Regardless, 30$ just so I can play my games online is too much, I already pay for the internet, I'd have to pay to use it. Sure it's not expensive per month, but it should be free. It's like paying 3$ a month to use your washing machine, even though you pay for the electricity and water already. It's absurd.
2009-12-09, 8:16 PM #114
I don't see why it has to be free. Yes, the PSN does it, but the PSN also isn't nearly as good as XBL.
2009-12-09, 9:13 PM #115
Originally posted by Xzero:
It's like paying 3$ a month to use your washing machine, even though you pay for the electricity and water already. It's absurd.

You might if you're on a differed payment plan
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2009-12-09, 10:02 PM #116
Don't give me that CM. How is it not as good? You pop the game in, go into the MP window and join a game. I see no difference between XBL and PSN in terms of joining games. I must be missing something. (Remember, I don't care for the other features that gold might give you, whatever that is.)

Also, I just saw a commercial stating that the 360 was 199$, so my previous comment on it becoming more expensive is much less plausible now.

Regardless, it should be free. It wouldn't be so bad if the offline MP was good and feature-rich (Perfect Dark) and the SP didn't last a mere 5 hours, but everyone focuses on online MP now, and having to pay to use the biggest part of the game is just stupid, regardless of how expensive it is. Again, imagine paying 60$ for a pair of shoes and having to pay 2$ each month in order to wear them. It's just stupid.

I don't pay to use Steam when playing CS:S, so why should I pay to use XBL to play Halo?

Anyway, I'm out of this discussion. Arguing with a PS3 nazi isn't going to lead anywhere but in circles.

My verdict: Get the PS3. Actually, get them all. Nothing beats having every console and it's exclusives, you get to enjoy all of the experiences.

Edit: Love the 360 if you want, I don't care (I enjoy it as well, especially when playing split-screen FPS games with my brother, a feature not present in many PS3 titles), but stop trying to put down the PS3 just because you don't like it. Also: paying for XBL isn't the topic of this thread, so let's put that aside for another day and focus on the topic at hand.
2009-12-09, 10:39 PM #117
Originally posted by Xzero:
I don't pay to use Steam when playing CS:S, so why should I pay to use XBL to play Halo?

I really want to know why people pay for XBL. Or, to put it another way, why do people pay for XBL when on the PC you can do the same stuff, free of charge?
2009-12-09, 11:11 PM #118
Exactly, someone who gets it.

Though I guess I could've just said it your way, it's only one line long >.>

My guess is that they don't want to pay and are just making up the "better service" garbage in order to defend having to.

I'm waiting to see your list of things that XBL gold offers that might be worthy of my money.

Anyway, trying to stick to the subject of the thread, I enjoy my PS3, but I am a bit disappointed with the price drop recently, I spent a little too much on mine (MGS4 bundle for 499$). Was a bit foolish of me to buy it at the time, but now it's only 299$ so it's definitely worth it. I can tell you one thing though, had it been a 360 for 499$, I'd be regretting it right now. Thank god that's not the case.

Though you could just keep the money and put it towards PC upgrades ;)
2009-12-10, 4:17 AM #119
Well like I've told some friends, I'm sick and tired of PC's. The last one I bought in 2006 cost me an arm and a leg (1500$ CAN) and I was really disappointed with it straight off the bat. And before it is suggested, it was indeed one I build myself and the hardware was above par at the time. Still few years later, its a rutting piece of ****, and I've really only played about 4 meaningful games on it over the years: Oblivion, Neverwinter Nights 2, Dragon Age and Team Fortress. And all of these except Team Fortress and parts of Dragon Age, ran like ***.

I prefer to pay 350$ once for 5 years and not have any head ache about compatibility issues and upgrading.

I'll get a new pc eventually, but it wont be today. Too bitter about the whole experience right now.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2009-12-10, 6:13 AM #120
I'll give you two words, Xzero:

Party System.

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