We'll we're not.
California ranks #46 which means we're all pissed off, cynical, and depressed despite our seemingly perfect weather. The article describes CA's plight the best
This is quite true. All you ****ers from the other states started to flood CA quite rapidly. This forced rapid development however demand still couldn't keep up with supply and housing prices soared. Traffic congestion became 3x worse practically overnight. To top it all off, I think we have the worst goverment in all of civilization's history. Say what you will about autocracies and dictatorships. At least they got **** done. California still has a monumental budget problem that is likely to never go away. California legislature will still continue to spend on ridiculous ****. I would love for some other entity to take over California. Or perhaps I'll rise up and overthrow Ahnold.
So yeah, we Californians are pissed off people, natives more so.
California ranks #46 which means we're all pissed off, cynical, and depressed despite our seemingly perfect weather. The article describes CA's plight the best
“I am only a little surprised,” he said. “Many people think these states would be marvelous places to live in. The problem is that if too many individuals think that way, they move into those states, and the resulting congestion and house prices make it a non-fulfilling prophecy.”
This is quite true. All you ****ers from the other states started to flood CA quite rapidly. This forced rapid development however demand still couldn't keep up with supply and housing prices soared. Traffic congestion became 3x worse practically overnight. To top it all off, I think we have the worst goverment in all of civilization's history. Say what you will about autocracies and dictatorships. At least they got **** done. California still has a monumental budget problem that is likely to never go away. California legislature will still continue to spend on ridiculous ****. I would love for some other entity to take over California. Or perhaps I'll rise up and overthrow Ahnold.
So yeah, we Californians are pissed off people, natives more so.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.